Chapter 6

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*Everleigh's P.O.V*

~3 weeks later~

Today Calum and I are telling our families about the sweet little baby that I am currently in the last week of the first trimester with. I know. It has taken us a while to tell anyone. Well Kinsley and Ashton know but that's because they were there when I found out that I'm pregnant but I wanted to make sure everything will be perfectly fine with the baby. Well, I don't think my parents are not going to be very happy about this. They are super religious and are all about no sex until marriage. Well, I don't really care. I'm not even that religious. If they can't accept my child that is going to be born out of wedlock, well that sucks. They don't have to be in its life. I hope it goes well. I told Calum that I want to tell my parents alone because of this but I would love to go with him to tell his parents if he would like and he said to text him when I'm done talking to my parents. After changing and getting everything ready, I put on my shoes and a light sweater and head to the door. I put my phone in my pocket and grab my purse and car keys before heading out to my car. I get in, start the engine and head to my parents' house. Once I get to my parents' house, I get out of my car with my purse and car keys. I open the trunk and grab a small gift bag from inside it. The gift bag has a small teddy bear that has a onesie on it that says 'I can't wait to meet you, grandma and grandpa! Coming September 10, 2019'. I walk up to the door and walk into what used to be my house. I walk into the living room where my parents are sitting, watching tv.

"Hey, we didn't know you were coming over today," my mom says looking up away from the tv at me.
"Sorry, I forgot to call. I just have something to tell you," I say sitting on the reclining chair across the room from the couch my parents are sitting on.
"What is that," my mom asks.
"Well I don't really know how to tell you without you getting mad, so please don't get mad," I say.
"What did you do now," my dad asks like I was such a bad kid.
"Well, I thought it would be easier to give you this," I say holding up the gift bag before taking it over to my parents.
"What is this," my mom asks grabbing the bag as she tilts it towards her to look in it.
"Please don't look at it yet. I will tell you when you can open it," I say taking a deep breath.
"Okay. What's going on," my mom asks and I'm kind of happy they don't suspect anything.
"First of all I just want to say that I didn't mean for this to happen like this but it did and I'm not going to change it. I want this and there's you can say or do to change my mind," I say.
"What are you talking about," my mom asks.
"Are you pregnant," my dad asks.
"Just look in the bag," I sigh.
My mom looks in the bag and pulls the bear out. She reads what it says out loud. She glares at me, then throws the bear at me and leaves the room.
"How could you do this," my dad asks.
"I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. But I want this baby and I'm going to keep it whether you and mom like it or not. It's my life, it's my baby and I am going to do this. I'm still going to go to school and when the baby is born, I am going to switch to online classes, so I don't have to leave my baby and I won't have to drop out of school to raise my child. I know this goes against your no sex before marriage rule but it happened and there's no going back to change it," I say.
"Why did you break the rule," my dad asks.
"I don't live here anymore, so I make my own rules. Besides, I'm 21 and I can make my own decisions when it comes to stuff like this," I say.
"Do you know who the father is," my dad asks as he continues to question me.
"Yes, I know who the father is," I scoffed.
"What are you implying that I'm some kind of slut or something," I ask irritated with the questions.
"Well then you must marry him before this baby is born," my dad shouts.
"That is not happening," I shout back at him.
"You have to," my dad continues to shout.
"I'm not doing that," I shout back on the verge of tears.
"You CAN'T have a damn baby out of wedlock," my dad says shouting again.
"I can and I will. Just because you are super religious doesn't mean I have to be. I can do my own thing. I'm not going to marry him just because we have a baby together. He probably doesn't even love me. We wouldn't be happy," I say as a tear slides down my cheek.
"You had sex with someone who doesn't love you," my dad asks confused.
"We were drunk. Are you happy? I didn't want to tell you that my baby is a drunken mistake," I sigh.
"Why would you be so fucking stupid," my dad yells.
"You know what, I'm just going to leave. I think I made a mistake by telling you this," I say walking towards the door.
"Wait," my mom says from the kitchen table.
"What," I snap from irritation.
"How far along are you," my mom asks.
"Why do you care? You wouldn't even talk to me about this, you just stormed off and left him to yell at me. It's not like I done this in your damn house or even meant to get pregnant. It just fucking happened," I say setting the bear on the bookshelf by the doorway.
"Because I want you to get an abortion but you can't after so many weeks," my mom says.
"Well I don't have to do that," I say.
"Yes you do," my mom says.
"Why," I asked.
"Because I'm your mother and I said," my mom yells.
"I don't fucking care. It's baby and my body and I said I'm not doing that. Besides, I'm 12 weeks, so it's too late for an abortion. And I'm not giving it up for adoption. It's mine and I'm keeping it whether you like it or not. I live up to my mistakes, unlike some people. And quite frankly, my baby isn't a mistake, it's a blessing," I say referring to an affair my mom had when I was 15 and she got pregnant and had an abortion because she didn't want my dad to know about the affair.
"You won't think it's a blessing when you don't get to sleep at night anymore. And my mistakes are none of your fucking business," my mom yells.
"Yeah, right. And that's why you told me about it and told me not to tell dad. Oh let me guess, he still doesn't know, does he," I ask looking from my mom to my dad.
"What mistake? What are you talking about," my dad asks.
"You can ask her. I'm leaving," I say and walk out the door.
I get in my car and drive home. I knew that wasn't going to go very well. I get to my house and call Calum.
"Hey, how did it go," Calum asks answering the phone.
"Not great actually. My dad told me that you and I have to get married before the baby comes and I turned that one down," I say.
"You don't want to marry me," Calum asks sadly.
"That's not what I meant. I don't want to marry you just because we are having a baby together," I say.
"I get what you're saying," Calum says.
"I would want to marry you if and when the time feels right. Besides we are not even dating and that typically comes before getting married," I say.
"Yeah true. So are you ready to go tell my parents," Calum asks.
"Give me an hour. I'm starving," I say.
"Okay. I will pick you up in an hour. How do you want to tell them," Calum asks.
"I have a few different ideas. I will show you when you get here," I say.
"Okay. See you soon," Calum says.
"Okay, bye," I say.
"Bye," Calum says and I hang up as I walk into the kitchen to get some food.
I get a pack of beef ramen, a tortilla, and some cheese. I get a bowl out of the cupboard and crush up the ramen before pouring it in the bowl. I add water and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. I grab a frying pan from the cupboard and make 2 quesadillas. I set both of the quesadillas on a plate as the microwave beep. I turn off the stove and take my quesadillas to the table. I go back to the kitchen as the microwave beeps again and open it taking the bowl of ramen out. I add the seasoning packet to it and mix it up before taking it to the table. I sit down and eat my food. Once I finish my food, I put the plate and bowl in the sink and sit on the couch. I unlock my phone and open Instagram. After scrolling through Instagram for about 20 minutes, there is a knock at the door. It must be Calum. I get up and walk to it. I open the door and it's my mom.
"What do you want," I ask kind of rudely.
"I want to talk to you about this," my mom says holding up the bear I left at their house.
"You mean you want to yell at me," I say rolling my eyes at her.
"No, I actually want to talk about this like adults," my mom says as Calum pulls up.
"I don't have time for this right now," I say as I get a text from Calum.
"What do you mean? You're a 21-year-old college student. What could possibly be so important that you can't take to your own mother," my mom says starting to raise her voice.
"Maybe homework. And stuff about my child," I say irritated.
"Not like it's any of your business," I add.
"I wanted to tell you that I fully support you," my mom says.
"And why didn't you an hour ago, when I was at your house," I ask grabbing my purse and keys and walking out of the house, locking it behind me.
"It's complicated," my mom says.
"How the hell is it so complicated," I ask walking down the steps and to my car to get the last gift bag from the trunk.
"Well if we could go inside and talk, I could explain," my mom says as I close the trunk of my car.
"I can't. I have to go somewhere," I say walking down the driveway towards Calum's car.
"Where," my mom asks still following me.
"It doesn't matter," I say as I walk up to Calum's car and open the passenger door.
"Is he the baby's dad," my mom asks.
"Again, it doesn't matter," I say getting in the car.
"It does matter, Everleigh," my mom says.
"Whatever. I'm not telling you who the dad is," I say and then close the car door.
"Who is that," Calum asks as my mom walks over to her car.
"My mom," I sigh as she gets in her car.
"Everything okay," Calum asks as we leave my house just after my mom pulls away.
"I don't know. When I was at her house a little over an hour ago, neither of my parents would support this. My mom even told me I had to get an abortion. Now she was just here telling me that she fully supports me. I don't know what to believe," I say annoyed with my parents.
"Hey, don't worry about that right now. Let's just go meet up with my parents. I know they will be supportive," Calum says.
"Okay," I say with a small smile.
"So my parents flew in last night," Calum says.
"What do you mean," I ask.
"They live in Australia," Calum says.
"Oh right. Are we going to meet them at your house," I ask.
"No, I made a reservation at a pretty nice restaurant," Calum says at a red light.
"Oh, okay," I say.
After about 10 more minutes in the car, we get to the restaurant. I grab the gift bag as we get out of the car and we go in the restaurant and see Calum's parents already waiting to be seated.
"Do you have a reservation," the lady at the stand in front of us asks.
"Yeah. It's under Calum Hood," Calum says.
"Right this way," she says after looking at a seating chart and grabbing some menus before walking towards our table.
I sit down in a booth and Calum slides in next to me after hugging his parents. His parent slide into the seat across from us.
"Did you ask us to fly across the world to tell us you have a girlfriend," Calum's dad asks.
"No, she's actually not my girlfriend," Calum says and I giggle a little.
"Then what are we here for," Calum's mom asks as I start to look at my menu.
"What can I get you to drink," our waiter asks after walking over to our table.
"Can I get a virgin Pina Colada, please," I say and he writes it on his note pad.
"I will take a Margarita," Calum's mom says.
"Jack Daniel's and Pepsi, please," Calum's dad says.
"I will have the same as him," Calum says.
"Okay. I will be back with those soon," the waiter says before leaving.
"No alcohol? Are you underage," Calum's mom asks me.
"No, I'm 21. I'm just not drinking alcohol at the moment," I say.
"Oh. Why not," Calum's mom asks.
"Are you pregnant," she adds
"I-," I start to say something but get cut off.
"Do you have to ask so many questions," Calum asks.
"Well, I'm just curious. It's not like any of your friends to just not drink alcohol," Calum's mom says.
"Well there is a very specific reason I asked you to come here," Calum says.
"What is that," Calum's dad asks as the waiter comes back with our drinks, naming them as he sets them in front of each of us.
"Are you ready," Calum asks me.
"Yeah," I say with a smile.
"Okay," Calum says and I hand him the gift bag.
"Everleigh wanted this to be special," Calum says handing him the gift bag.
"Don't open it yet. First I want to say that we didn't mean for this to happen but we are still hoping for your support. My parent's don't exactly support it. Before you pull anything out, I want you to reach into the left side of the bag and squeeze the bears left paw," I say and Calum's mom reaches into the bag squeezing the bears paw and I hear my sweet baby's heartbeat.
"What is this," Calum's mom asks.
"There are two things in that bag. One is a little picture frame and the other is the bear. You can pull them out now," I say and Calum's mom pulls out the little picture frame that has an ultrasound picture in it.
"I can't wait to meet you, grandma and grandpa! Coming September 10, 2019," Calum's dad reads out loud.
"Are you serious," Calum's mom asks.
"Yes," Calum says.
"Not to be rude or anything but you're not just saying it's his because he is famous are you," Calum's mom asks.
"No. It is actually his. We met at a club one night when I was with my best friend and her twin sister celebrating their 21st birthday. We were a little drunk and things got a little carried away and I honestly never thought this was going to happen," I say.
"How far along are you," Calum's mom asks.
"I'm 12 weeks today," I say.
"Wow! This is amazing," Calum's mom asks.
"We will support you all the way," Calum's dad says looking right at Calum and I.
"Thank you! That really means a lot," I say smiling.
~2 hours later~
It's almost 9 o'clock and Calum just dropped me off at my house. We had a good time at the restaurant and I am really happy Calum's parents support us. They are going back to Australia tomorrow but said they will be back for the gender reveal party, we just have to tell them when it is as soon as we know. I put my leftovers in the fridge after hanging up my keys and purse. I then head upstairs after locking the front door and go to my room. I put on some pajamas and get in bed. After about 20 minutes, I fall into a deep sleep.

Baby Daddy ||Calum Hood||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora