Chapter 8

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*Everleigh's P.O.V*
~2 Weeks later~
Sometimes Kinsley and I babysit our neighbors kids. Today we are babysitting the neighbors 3 month-old boy named Austin and 2-year-old girl named Avery. After a couple hours of the kids being here, there's a knock at the door. It can't be their parents yet. Kinsley answers the door.
"Ev, your mom is here," Kinsley says confused.
"Why," I ask getting up and handing the baby, so she can continue feeding him as I walk to the front door.
I open the door and sure enough, I see my mom standing there.
"What are you doing here," I ask her.
"I was hoping we could talk about this," she says pointing at my growing bump.
"But 3 months ago when I wanted to talk to you about it, you didn't want to," I say.
"I tried to talk to you about it and you got in a car with some guy and wouldn't talk to me about it," she says.
"You had a chance to talk to me about it when I was at your house that day. Instead you got mad and told me to get an abortion. That's not how you talk to me about something," I say irritated.
"I'm sorry! I was shocked. I couldn't believe you would do something like this," she says.
"Well I did and there's no going back now," I say.
"I get that. And you were right, you are old enough to make your own decisions," she says.
"You're just now realizing this," I ask.
"I'm sorry. I just don't think you're ready for this," she says.
"I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing and I know I'm ready for this," I say.
"How are you so sure," she asks.
"Because I know I have the support I need from the people closest to me," I say.
"And how do you know they will always be here for you? You will most likely lose most of your friends when you have your baby," she says.
"Babies. There's more than one. And I know my friends. I know they won't leave me," I say.
"More than one," she asks confused.
"I'm having twins. Not like you even actually care," I say.
"I do care. I'm sorry I made you feel like I don't but I really do," she says.
"Yeah, okay. I have homework and other stuff to do," I say stepping back to close the door.
"Of course you don't want to talk to me," she says.
"I have homework and I have to study for finals next week," I say starting to close the door.
"Whatever," she says before walking down the steps.
I close the door and go back in the living room. Kinsley is rocking the little boy we are babysitting and the little girl is sitting on the floor playing with her toys she brought over.
"Can you make her some lunch," Kinsley asks as the little boy falls asleep.
"Yeah of course. Come on Avery, let's get you some lunch," I say before walking to the kitchen and she comes running in behind me.
I look in the bag her mom brought and there is formula for the baby and a pack of Ramen and other snack stuff for Avery. I grab the Ramen and make it for her. Once it is ready, I put a couple ice cubes in it to cool it down and then set it on the table for her before helping her into the chair. I go back into the kitchen and make myself a bagel sandwich for lunch. I sit next to Avery to eat. Once finished, I put my dish away and then fill my water bottle with ice water. I sit on the couch with Kinsley.
"My mom is so irritating," I say.
"What did she want," Kinsley asks.
"To tell me that she supports the pregnancy now. I don't understand why she couldn't have supported this 3 months ago when I wanted her involved," I say.
"You are her daughter. She's supposed to support you. Whether she likes the idea or not," Kinsley says.
"I know. She thinks I'm not ready for this and that I don't know what I'm doing," I say.
"Don't worry about what she thinks. You are going to be an amazing mom," Kinsley says.
"Thank Kins, that means a lot," I say as Avery runs back into the living room and sits with her toys again.
"No problem Ev, I'm always here for you," Kinsley says.
"I know and I'm always here for you too," I say.
After another hour, Avery and Austin's parents get here. After they leave, Kinsley leaves. Probably to go hang out with Ashton. I turn on the tv and watch tv for a few hours and then go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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