Chapter 5

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*Everleigh's P.O.V*
~3 weeks later~
Today is the day of my first ultrasound. I can't wait to hear the heartbeat. I know the baby is to small to really see right now but I'm still really excited for this appointment. I have been trying to get a hold of Calum all day since he's supposed to go with me but he hasn't answered me at all since I told him about the baby. I don't know what happened. He seemed to be happy that night. Ugh! Well if he doesn't answer within the next hour, Kinsley is just going to go with me before she goes to hangout with Ashton. Right now I'm getting clothes to shower and get ready to go to my appointment. After getting my clothes, I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower. After I'm done in the shower, I dry off and get dressed. I dry my hair and braid it. I put on some mascara and lipgloss and leave the bathroom. I grab my phone from my bed and check to see if Calum has called or texted me back but he hasn't yet. I click his contact and call him but still no answer. Why isn't he answering me? Is he really going to miss our baby's first ultrasound. I decided to text him again even though he probably won't reply.
Me: Are you coming to our child's first ultrasound or not? I have to be there in a half hour and I have been trying to get ahold of you all day. I'm going to be really upset if you miss this. It's really important to me and if you don't come, it will make me feel like you don't want this baby.
I hit send and set my phone on my bed. I grab my cute sandals and put them on. I grab my phone and go to Kinsley's room. I knock on the door to see if she is ready. There's no answer, so I go downstairs and she's sitting in the couch.
"Are you ready to go? Calum still hasn't answered me," I say.
"Yeah," Kinsley says as she turns off the tv and we walk towards the front door together.
I grab my car keys and we head out to my car. As we get to my car, I start to feel nauseous. I stop at the drivers side of the car feeling really sick.
"Are you okay? Do you need me to drive," Kinsley asks.
"I'm fine. I can drive," I say getting into my car.
"Are you sure," Kinsley asks.
"Yeah. I'm good," I say and we drive to the doctors office in silence.
As we pull into the doctors office, my phone starts to ring. It's Calum. He's finally calling me back? I park and answer it.
"Took you long enough to call me back," I say kind of irritated.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't find my phone. Turns out, Luke had it," Calum says.
"It's just it's really important to me that you are at this first ultrasound but I don't think you will make it in time," I say.
"I will. I'm actually almost there. I'm not going to miss this. It's important to me too. I will be there in 5 minutes," Calum says.
Okay. I have to check in soon," I say as Kinsley and I are walking towards the doctors office doors.
"Okay. I will be there as soon as traffic will let me. See you soon," Calum says.
"Okay. See you soon," I say.
"Bye," Calum says.
"Bye," I say leaning up against the building to wait for Calum as I hang up.
"Calum will be here in a few minutes," I say to Kinsley.
"Good. I know how important him being here is to you," Kinsley says.
"Thank you for coming with me. It really means a lot," I say.
No problem. I will always be here when you need me. That's what best friends are for," Kinsley says smiling as a car pulls into the parking lot.
"I love you so much best friend," I say before hugging Kinsley.
"I love you so much too," Kinsley says as we pull away from the hug and Calum walks up to us.
"Just in time," I say looking at him and then looking at the time on my phone.
"I'm really sorry it took me so long to get here. Luke has been pulling some pranks on me lately and I think him taking my phone was part of them," Calum says as we walk into the doctors office.
I roll my eyes and walk over to the check-in desk to check in. I'm not really in the mood for his excuses today. After checking in, I go sit in a change in the waiting area and wait for my name to be called. Once my name is called, we follow the nurse back to a room. When we enter the room, the nurse gives me a gown to change into and she leaves the room. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in and begins the check up. After a routine check up, the doctor does the first ultrasound for this sweet little baby. The baby is measuring exactly 9 weeks today. We wait patiently to hear the heartbeat. After a couple seconds, we hear the thumping sound of the heartbeat. I feel tears start to slide down my cheek. This is so real. I can't believe  I'm actually going to have a baby. The doctor wipes the ultrasound gel off my stomach and prints out a few pictures of the ultrasound. After giving us the pictures, she leaves the room. I get dressed and we head out. I stop at the reception desk and scheduled my next appointment to be in 11 weeks. I will 20 weeks at that appointment and we will be able to find out the gender. We leave the doctors office and Calum follows us to our house. Once we get to the house, Kinsley disappears. Probably to go get ready to go hangout with Ashton. Calum and I sit on the couch to talk about our baby.
"I can't believe this is actually happening," I say.
"I know. I honestly can't wait," Calum says.
"Same. Should we find out the gender at the next appointment? Or wait until birth and be surprised? Oh or I can ask Kinsley to through us a gender reveal party," I say throwing out some ideas to find out the gender of our baby.
"I think a gender reveal party sounds fun," Calum says as Kinsley comes downstairs in a pair of black shorts and a purple crop top.
"Hey Kins, can you put together a gender reveal party for us," I ask.
"Um yes," Kinsley says.
"Awesome. Thank you so much," I say.
"No problem. Don't stay up for me. I'm going to be out late," Kinsley says as she grabs her car keys from the hook by the door.
"Okay. Be safe," I say and Kinsley leaves.
It's just Calum and I until about 11 o'clock, then he decides to leave and I go to bed after locking the door behind him.

Baby Daddy ||Calum Hood||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora