Chapter 4

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*Everleigh's P.O.V*
Once we get to the house, I go in and go straight to my room, closing the door behind me. I start putting everything together. I pull out the three chalk boards I bought and the chalk. I write on the first one "You're going to be a dad", on the second one I write "He or she? We will see" and on the last one I write "Due September 10, 2019" and then stack them together.
"Ev, Calum's here," Kinsley yells from downstairs.
"Okay," I say grabbing the three chalk board and walk out of my room and down the stairs.
"Can you hold these for a second. I forgot something upstairs," I say handing Kinsley the three chalk boards before going back upstairs.
I go in the bathroom and grab one of the pregnancy tests. I look at it and sigh as I begin to feel like I'm going to throw up again. Ugh not now. I swallow trying to hold it back but that doesn't work and next thing I know, I'm kneeling over the toilet emptying the contents of my stomach. Once finished, I flush the toilet and brush my teeth. I rinse my toothbrush off and put it away. I sigh as I walk out of the bathroom. I go back downstairs and see Kinsley still standing there holding the chalkboards.
"Can you help me real quick," I ask her as I take the chalkboards from her and walk over to our dining room table.
"Can you get some things to hold these up," I ask.
"Yeah," Kinsley says before grabbing some cans of food from the cupboard and sets them on the table.
I take two cans and set them behind the chalkboard that says "You're going to be a dad" facing the living room a little and set the pregnancy test in front of it, then I get two more cans and set the chalkboard that says "He or she? We will see" a few inches to the side and behind the first one. I take a deep breath feeling nauseous again and grab the last chalkboard that says the due date on it, setting it up with the last two cans.
"I need to go to the bathroom real quick. Please don't let Calum see this," I say feeling like I'm going to puke again.
"Okay," Kinsley says and I walk towards the stairs.
"Calum, I will be right back," I say before running up the stairs.
"Okay," I here Calum say as I run into the bathroom kneeling at the toilet throwing up again.
Ugh! How do I keep throwing up? This was like the 7th time time today and all I have ate is a banana. I'm so sick of this. I flush the toilet and brush my teeth before going back downstairs.
"Are you okay," Kinsley asks.
"I honestly don't know," I sigh.
"Can I do anything to help," Kinsley asks.
"I don't know right now but can you take a picture of this while I get Calum," I say before leaving the room.
"Sure," Kinsley says as I walk over to the couch where Calum is at talking to Ashton.
"Hey, Calum, I need to tell you something. Can you come in here with me," I say.
"Yeah sure," Calum says getting up and following me towards the dining room.
"Close your eyes," I say as we walk into the dining room.
"Okay," Calum says confused but still closes his eyes and I grab his handing leading him to the table.
"Okay open your eyes," I say after setting his hand on the pregnancy test that is sitting on the table.
Calum picks up the pregnancy test as he opens his eyes. He looks down at the pregnancy test, then up at me back at the pregnancy test and then up at the chalkboards reading one at a time.
"Wait are you serious," Calum asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"But when did this happen," Calum asks.
"That night we met at the club," I say.
"I can't believe this," Calum says picking me up and spinning me excitedly.
I honestly thought he was going to be mad or upset about this and honestly I'm happy he's not.
"We are going to be parents," Calum says as he put me down on the ground.
"We sure are," I say smiling even though I feel nauseous again.
I'm going to try to eat something. Maybe that will help. I go to the kitchen and make a pack of Ramen. After it's finished cooking, I sit at the table and eat it. Once I'm finished, I rinse my bowl out and put it in the dish washer. I then get my water bottle and fill it up with ice water. I take a drink as I walk to the living room and sit on the couch to watch Grey's Anatomy with Calum. I'm not really sure where Kinsley and Ashton are. Probably in Kinsley's room like always. After like three episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Calum heads home. I watch another episode before heading upstairs for bed. I walk up to Kinsley's room and knock on the door but there is no answer. I wait about a minute and then I knock again. Again no answer but this time I hear light snoring. I quietly open the door and see Kinsley and Ashton asleep in Kinsley's bed. GOSH! They should just date already. Unless they are secretly. This isn't the first time Ashton has stayed here with her this week. There has got to be something going on there. I quietly close the door and go to my room. I close the door behind me and crawl into my bed. I scroll through Instagram for a little while. I'm not going to post anything about this pregnancy to my 12,575 followers until I'm like 13 weeks or so. After scrolling for a while, I look through my camera roll for a selfie to post. After I pick one, I post it with the caption: Big things coming. Excited to tell you about it. After I post it, I close Instagram and plug my phone in setting on my night stand before going to sleep.

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