Chapter 3

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*Everleigh's P.O.V*
~6 weeks later~
I have been so sick for the last like 3 weeks. I haven't gotten my period in almost 2 months. What if I'm pregnant. It's been 6 weeks since I stayed with Calum. And we have only talked a few times since then. I'm going to ask Kinsley to go get me some pregnancy tests. I go to her room and knock on the door. About a minute later, she opens the door and I see Ashton sitting on her bed.
"Can you please go to the store for me," I ask her feeling like I'm going to puke again.
"Sure. What do you need me to get," Kinsley asks.
"Hold on," I say before running to the bathroom and puke again.
Ugh is this ever going to stop? I sigh and brush my teeth before going back to Kinsley's room. She's standing in the doorway waiting for me.
"Are you okay," Kinsley asks.
"Yeah. I think I'm pregnant," say to her.
"What? Are you sure," Kinsley asks.
"I don't know. That's why I need you to go to the store for me. I need you to get some pregnancy tests. I don't think I can walk through the store to get them," I say feeling nauseous again.
"Okay. We will go," Kinsley says.
"Thank you so much," I say and Kinsley and Ashton walk out of Kinsley's room and down the stair. After about two minutes, I hear her car start and then they leave.
*Kinsley's P.O.V*
Ashton wants to drive, so I give him my keys and we get in the car. We back out and head to the closest store that sells pregnancy tests. I run into the store and get two pregnancy test boxes and quickly pay for them before going back out to my car and we head back to the house. We get out of the car and I take the bag in.
"Where do you want your keys," Ashton asks as we walk through the front door.
"On the hook by the front door," I say before running upstairs.
"Ev, I'm back," I say as I get to the top of the stairs.
She comes out of her room and I give her the bag. She takes it into the bathroom and after about ten minutes, she opens the bathroom door for me to come in.
*Everleigh's P.O.V*
Kinsley gives me the bag with the pregnancy tests and I go straight into the bathroom with it. I immediately pee on all of them just in case there are any false negatives. After about seven minutes, I see four positive tests looking back at me. Yes, they are all positive. After about three minutes of just staring at the positive signs on the tests, I finally open the door and let Kinsley in to see the positive tests.
"No way," Kinsley says.
"How am I going to tell Calum? Should I even tell him," I say.
"You definitely should tell him but not just yet. We should make you a pregnancy confirmation appointment first," Kinsley says.
"Okay," I say.
I go to my room and grab my phone dialing the doctors office number and make an appointment. My appointment is in two hours. I grab some clothes and take a quick shower. Once I'm out of the shower, I quickly get dressed and brush my hair before braiding it. I put a little bit of mascara on and go downstairs. I grab a banana and eat it. Hopefully, I can keep it down, but I probably won't. I sigh as I finish the banana.
"Kins, do you and Ashton want to go with me to my appointment? It's in forty-five minutes," I say looking at Ashton too.
"Sure," Kinsley and Ashton say at the same time.
"Okay. We should leave in twenty minutes," I say.
"Okay," Kinsley says.
Kinsley and Ashton are so cute together. They really should just date already. After about five minutes, I get a text message. It's from Calum.
Cal: Hey, sorry I haven't talked to you lately, my phone broke and I just got a new one. Anyway, how are you doing?
Phone broke? Yeah, whatever. I roll my eyes but reply anyways.
Me: Hey, It's fine. I've been sick a lot lately but other than that, I've been good.
I hit send and go put my shoes on. Once I have my shoes on, Calum replies.
Cal: Why have you been sick? Is everything okay?
Me: I don't really know why I have been sick but everything is fine.
"Are you ready," I ask after sending the text to Calum.
"Yeah," Ashton says.
We all get into my car and I drive to the doctors office. Once we get to the doctors office, I check-in. We only have to wait about five minutes, the nurse calls me back. Kinsley and Ashton come with me.
"So what brings you here today," the nurse asks.
"I have been really sick the last few weeks and I realized today that I still haven't started my period in over 6 weeks, so I took some home pregnancy tests and they were positive, so I came in for a confirmation," I say as we walk into a room.
"Okay. I'm going to take some blood and run a blood test," the nurse says.
"Okay," I say and then she takes some blood.
"The doctor will be in soon with your results," the nurse says before leaving with the blood.
I look at my phone and I have another text from Calum.
Cal: Are you sure? Do you want me to come over?
Me: I'm sure but you can come over later.
I hit send as there's a knock on the door and the doctor comes in hold a clipboard.
"Hi Everleigh, I have your results and yes you are pregnant. Would you like your friends to stay in here while we talk about something personal to figure out you're due date," the doctor says.
"They can stay," I say.
"Okay. When was the start of your last period," the doctor asks.
"7 weeks ago," I say.
"Okay. That will put your due date at September 10," the doctor says.
"Okay. Thank you so much," I say.
"You can schedule your next appointment for your first ultrasound now if you would like. That will be in about 2-3 weeks," the doctor says.
"Okay," I say.
"Have a good day," the doctor says before leaving the room.
We walk out to the receptionist's desk and I schedule my first ultrasound to be in exactly 3 weeks from today.
"We are going to go to the store to get a few things," I say as we get back into my car.
"Okay," Kinsley and Ashton says.
We get to Walmart and I run in and get the few things I came for. Once I pay for my things, I go back to my car and head back to my house. I'm going to tell Calum tonight.

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