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Before the sudden darkness consumed me, I felt my control over my body slip away, my hand had suddenly let go of the demon I was trying to rip apart, and I was turning to the direction of the rift and my hand-that was stained with some icky substance from demons-rose up as if it was being beckoned by it. Then the rest was a blur of dark mist leaving my body and the sound of my own echoing shrill voice directly going towards the rift. I wasn't even part of the circle and incantation and yet there I was.

The last thing I remembered was my body gingerly dropping to the ground.

I hadn't had proper sleep for days, so that probably explained how I immediately passed out the moment my eyes closed. The exhaustion was there, and the satisfaction was also there.

I haven't had felt this calm in such a long time, I could just forever slip away and stay in the stream of unconsciousness.

Hours-it probably had been that long, if not then days and nights all together.

I wanted to stay like this forever. At peace, no problems, no want for vengeance, no want for answers, nothing and absolutely nothing but-

"Jisoo-yah, Jisoo-yah... Jisoo-yah!" I felt hands shaking my body.

Is that Lisa?

"Oh my fuckin' god, she fuckin' dead."

Did she just?

I heard someone being pushed aside, scrambling foot steps and a familiar hand began to feel my pulse point.

"What the actual fuck, Lalisa?" Ah, I was right that one was Rosé.

"Language, Roseanne!" Irene hissed.

"Lisa, did you just Miss Keisha'd her?" Jennie sounded incredulous, and almost in the brink of laughter.

Meanwhile there's a sound of a goat dying and that must be Lisa wheezing the life out of her because she found herself so damn funny being able to come up with that whole reference in a situation like this.

I groaned, wishing I actually didn't catch any part of that exchange, I slowly opened my eyes and my heart felt like it jumped to my throat upon seeing Rosé, her brows were furrowed into a glare, her gaze was directed towards Lisa and Lisa alone.

"It's actually really funny," My voice had surprised Rosé that she jumped, but as soon as she gathered her composure, she engulfed me into a tight embrace, squeezing the air out of me. "If you continue to hug me like that I'd be dead as Miss Keisha."

She loosened her grip and then laughed, "You're fine." She sighed in relief and I was going to kiss her cheek, but the prying eyes on us had made me quite conscious of my actions.

I tucked her hair behind her ear instead.

"Is it over?" I asked them, just to make sure.

They all nodded, Lisa was wiping the tears she's got from laughing, "Honestly, 'don't know what happened, we just woke up and everything was still. Then Seulgi told Irene what happened, they're all back in camp now." Lisa filled me in, surprisingly.

Rosé helped me stand up and I dusted my pants, "Wow, we should take a selfie we all look amazing." I sarcastically commented.

We all-pardon my French-looked liked fucking shit. Especially Lisa and I, we're the top two contenders if there was any competition.

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