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Having had nightmares for two nights in a row was nothing short of agitating. I feel like - for the lack of a better term - shit.

My body was sweaty and sore, my eyes were tired, and I honestly just want to go back to sleep; but if I do I might go through an onslaught of disturbing images again.

That's the last thing I want.

I have been such a light sleeper, the most sleep I have gotten was six hours, least was four.

It reached the point I don't have any inkling of how time passed by.

There was really no certainty whether I'm awake or asleep. Unconsciousness and consciousness had bled together. They seemed like one now.

Reality seems hazy, dream seems clear; opposites together becoming one.

I stood somewhere, everything was still, the sway of branches and the flutter of leaves were music the cool breeze played; from afar I saw Lisa with her hands greasy, brows in consternation as she fiddled with her Camaro, which was a wreck because of the incident. I saw Jennie, running around playing with Buttercup and Ella with such gentleness because Buttercup had grown now, the wolf was strong. And lastly I saw Rosé resting on the lounge chair as she read "The Art of War", as ethereal as ever, my heart swelled.

My feet seemed to be stuck on the ground as I turned to Rosie's direction. I looked around and everything around me had morphed into something else.

It did not make any sense.

My family disappeared.

There was something inside of me which made my heart beat erratically.

This was not the estate, not the woods, this place, it was nothing but a field, not the similar one from where we have been, this was not the corn field of horrors.

Somewhere else. I have never been here.

A strange form of tranquility was painted on it, but of course there was that thing, rattling in my chest, unsteady, my calmness slipping away.

This was giving me a goddamn headache.

I was able to move now.

I maneuvered to the direction in front of me, it seemed like it was going a long way, a never ending horizon.

Where am I?

Honestly, where am I?

There seriously was no end to this. I keep walking and walking. I can't feel my feet or my legs anymore, so I looked down.

I had been floating all this time.

Now I looked around and I just noticed how I'm inside somewhere...another somewhere. It looked like an industrial-type of building.

I stayed where I was and everything aged in fast forward.

There were a lot of people, buzzing like busy bees - they were actually busy bees, metaphorically. This was an office.

WV Corp.

The signage was everywhere.

It was all I had seen.

WV Corp.
WV Corp.
WV Corp.

W... V... Corporation-

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