Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:  Meeting Bah

        The henchmen grabbed the boy and threw him into a pod as Y/N saw what happened to his father and swore to get revenge.  The pod was sent to Vampa, a barren wasteland of a planet and was the last place a child should be.  As the child landed on Vampa, he managed to grab hold of something to brace himself.


Where am I?

I looked all around me to see nothing but rock formations.  I started to cry wanting my father to be here with me and wanting to have my mother as well.  I scoured the terrain to see if there was any sort of cover I could use.  I found a cave after a few minutes of looking.  I decided that until someone comes to rescue me, I might as well get used this planets atmosphere, layout, and creatures.

I go inside the cave and find nothing that I could use as a bed or blanket.  I then realized that I'll need to find some food, and soon.  I then hear my stomach growl and I get outside the cave and memorize the rock formations around the cave, in case I get lost.

As I'm walking around I see some really weird creatures roaming the land.

As I'm walking around I see some really weird creatures roaming the land

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I watch to see how they survive out here and see their tongues.

I'd better steer clear of those Spears, tongues, Spongues?  Whatever it is, I need to dodge that if they attack.

I cautiously walk over to where all the bugs? Fuck it, they're bugs now.  The bugs are and watch what they do.  They seem to stab the green portion of land and suck up some sort of liquid into their bodies. As I continue to watch, the ground rumbles and shows a gigantic beast that looks like a puppy, but with a menacing smile.  The alien looked at all the bugs and lunged really quickly at them, gobbling a good amount of them before they could retreat.

Wow!  He's so powerful and fast!  I wonder if I can get that strong as well?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw the beast lunging my way.  I immediately flew straight up to avoid getting eaten.  The beast then pulled back and looked at me as I looked at it.  I was still surprised at the fact I could dodge the attack the beast did and before long, it lunged once more.  The attack yielded the same results, I got out of the way before I was puppy chow.  I smiled hugely at the fact that I now have a training partner.  I got just out of his reach and waved.

The creature then roared out a gentle, or I think it was, "Bah"

"Bye!  I'll see you again soon...Bah!"

I then took off back to hunting.  I saw one of those creatures alone.  I went up to it and punched it.  The results were the body disintegrating and the legs were left with some orangy goo coming out.  I swiped some onto my fingers and licked it.  I gagged at the sour taste, but I managed to eat it all.  I then went back into my cave and settled down for the night.


A/N: I know you guys want to see Riza, Al and Edward, but I wanted to set up the background, since it made how Broly was in the movie.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

New!Broly!reader x Riza Hawkeye(Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя