chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Earth?  Meeting my new family!

                         Y/N's POV

I watched as Vampa blew up.  I normally would've been happy to see that place gone, but after Beets sacrificed himself for Bah and I, I wished it would've stayed so I could bury his body and say a proper goodbye.

Get it together Y/N, Beets wouldn't want you to be beating yourself up, after all, I look over at Bah and pet him.  It isn't just me I have to look after.

I decided after sulking for Kami knows how long, I would find something edible.  I looked around the ship and found a room with multiple machines and gadgets.  I walked over to the tall silver one and opened it.  As soon as I did that, I received a blast of cold air hitting my body. I looked inside and found some food in there.  I took a look around and found a bar-like piece of food.

It was wrapped in a crinkly thing and I easily ripped it off and began to eat.  I took my first bite and I was so shocked at the taste of it that I took another bite, then another, and all too soon it was gone.  I raised the wrapper above my mouth to get the last bits of it.

I grabbed another for Bah and he devoured it just like I did.  He then wrapped himself around me and fell asleep, as did I.

-time skip-

I woke up to the sound of the ship saying that we were entering the atmosphere of the planet Beets sent us to.  I heard Bah shuffle beside me and I got up and handled the controls and pulled them back to have a stable landing.

Thank Kami that Beets gave me a brief  rundown on how to land the ship.

                          ??? POV

I was sitting in my office doing paperwork with my lutenant standing next to me.


"Sir!" She turns to me.

"I need you to find Fullmetal, his brother, and Hughes for me."

"Sir, with all due respect, why?" The lutenant looks at me confused.

I told my hands and look at her as I rest my head on them, "Because I just got orders from the Fuhrer saying that an 084 was found in a desert near to where the Elric brothers currently are.  I want Hughes there because I have a feeling that he'll be needed when confronting this creature that will emerge from the 084." (A/N: An 084 is an unidentified object(s).)

"I'll get right on that Colonel." She nodded to me and left.

                           Y/N's POV

I had successfully landed the ship, but I don't think that it went unnoticed.  I soon heard the whirring of the machinery on the ship as the doors unlocked.

So Beets made it so that the doors wouldn't open until we got to our destination...clever.

I opened the doors and the first thing Bah and I felt, was the immense amount of heat that this place had to offer.  I coughed as I breathed in the sand and I stepped out further.

"Where are we Bah?" I turn to him and he lowers his head to me and I scratch behind his ear.

"Well wherever we are, we need to find shelter and water.  I'll fly up you stay here, ok Bah?"

Bah nods his head and digs down into the sand and turns into his "camouflage mode".

I fly up and look around as I try to see where there is water and shelter.  I turn around and see three people walking towards where Bah and I landed.  I float back down and Bah pops up out of his spot looking quite comfortable.

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