Chapter 15

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Jayden: I wish for me to comeback.
Mom: awww hijo
Me: you are when you finish college.
Jayden: yeah but thats kind of far away.
Dad: less talking about college and let's eat some cake.
We each got of slice of cake. It was chocolate cake. When we finished me and my mom cleaned the kitchen while my dad and brother watch tv. While I was washing the dishes I suddenly feel like throwing up again so I went to the bathroom.
Mom: mija are you okay
Me: yeah I just didn't feel so good.
Mom: wait here let me bring something.
Me: ok
My mom left then came back a few seconds.
Mom: here
Me: what is this.
Mom: go use the bathroom and pee in it.
Me: okay be right back.

Few seconds
Me: okay I'm down.
Mom: just leave it laying there and will come back in a few minutes.
Me: okay.
We finished cleaning the kitchen and went back to the bathroom. My mom grabbed the thing and looked at it. And had a blink expression on her face.
Me: mom what's wrong.
Mom: Alondra y....yo..your pregnant.
Me: what
Mom: look
I looked at it and couldn't believe it thats why I been feeling weird. I felt a tear go down and looked back at my mom. She still had a blink expression.
Mom: we need to tell your dad.
Me: okay.
We walked towards the living where my dad and brother were.
Dad: you girls took to long. Come sit with us.
Jayden: what wrong. Why you guys look like something happened.
Mom: Alondra is pregnant.
Dad and Jayden:............
For a second I thought my dad, mom, and brother would scream at me and get mad.
Dad: tell me it's not true.
Jayden: yeah tell us.
Me: it is.
Mom: yeah she is.
Dad: I can't believe I gonna be a grandpa.
Mom: I can't believe I'm gonna be a grandma.
Jayden: I'm gonna be a uncle.
But they didn't they were happy and excited.
Jayden: who's the dad.
Dad and mom: yeah.
Me: i don't know.
Jayden: I don't care if he or she has a father or not I'm just happy I'm gonna be a uncle.
Mom and dad: same
I was thinking who could the father be. I haven't seen anybody except Yashua, Richard, and the guys.
I don't think it one of the guys. So it could be Richard or Yashua. I think I should just keep this a secret for now.
Me: guys can you not tell anyone yet.
Mom: why mija.
Me: I feel like it's to early for people to know they can find out when they can find out by them self.
Mom&dad&Jayden: okay.
Dad: for now it's our secret. And come let's watch a movie.

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