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Alianna sprung up from her green bean bag chair where she had been coloring the picture she drew of her father in their shared drawing corner. It had been about ten minutes since they got home from the meeting and getting her from Ansley's and Cecelia was quite frankly pissed by the post she had seen with Ansley trying to take over her mothering role like Cecelia was dead.

She had been gone for three days and some Austin cousin look alike was already trying to take over, but she wouldn't let that shit happen. Not if she had any say.

With haste Alianna grabbed her iPad off the charger and answered the FaceTime. "Hey momma! I miss you!" She said bursting with excitement. "Hey mommas pretty baby, how's your daddy's house?" She said relaxing herself as it had been three days since she last seen her daughter and she wasn't going to let some desperate blonde take her place.

"It's so great daddy got me so much stuff." She said as she went to close the door but Zion stopped her. "Aye kid who are you talking to!" He said to scare her. "My momma, and what about it?" She said before her mother could taking Cecelia back in surprise but she wasn't disappointed either.

"Well alright then, it's my turn to take you out to eat so call me when you're done." He said and she nodded from her new spot on her bean bag chair, before he closed the door not paying the situation any mind. "Hey Ali, baby, can you tell me what you did today?"

"Well I went with Ansley, and don't worry she obviously didn't hurt me or anything but she took me to the park after we played with her dog and made cupcakes— and did my ABC Mouse—Momma I have 693 tickets now, I passed my goal!"

"Wow you did! I'm so proud of you, mama!" She exclaimed happy to see her daughter excited about learning and that she at least had fun with Ansley. As the two continued on with their conversations about what had been happening in the Prettymuch house as well as with the people that were constantly there, Zion went downstairs to the kitchen where Austin was making himself a sandwich since he didn't have to make or buy Alianna anything that night.

"What's she up there doing?" He asked as he finished the sandwich and took a bite out of it as he awaited Zions answered. "Supposedly being like her mother, and she's on FaceTime with her." He said casually causing Austin to think in a casual mindset for a moment before he realized what Zion actually said.

"Wait say that again?" He asked as Zion began to walk into his room. "She's on the phone with Cecelia, fuckwad." He said before closing the door behind him. Austin immediately did the dash up the stairs and was in very hot pursuit of his closed off bedroom. Austin had been meaning to talk to Cecelia about what she had said to Ansley as it hurt her and made her upset.

The direct message the girl had received, from Ansley's perspective, was one of threats saying, "If I catch you playing the mother role with my baby one more time I'm going to beat your ass." Austin didn't see the messages but he trusted Ansley enough to know that she wouldn't lie about it; and she wasn't lying about that. She was lying about what happened before then though.

Before that message in itself Ansley was first being handled respectfully and directly as Cecelia didn't care for the girl. All she had told her was that she didn't appreciate her referring to Alianna as 'my daughter' and the fact that Alianna was left alone with her when she did not know her. She knew her child and she knew her child didn't feel safe; at least before hand. If she knew Alianna she knew it took her a lot of convincing which should have been an immediate turn off for her father.

The conversation turned left when Ansley made it very clear that Alianna was in her possession at the time and she could do whatever she wanted and that's when Cecelia became the angry black woman and Ansley became the white woman in trouble.

When Austin approached the door he knocked lightly wanting to take this in with a calm voice and he didn't know if he was about to walk in on a mother daughter moment they weren't capable of having in person. "Alianna?"

Austin heard nothing from the other side of the door, and at first he didn't seem to think much of it, maybe she was in the middle of listening and she didn't want to be rude. "Is that your dad?" Cecelia asked hearing his voice loud and clear.

Alianna simply nodded her head. "Yeah, Zion probably told him you called me." Alianna informed wanting to continue her conversation about how she taught Nick the right way to do a cartwheel. "Hey listen beautiful," she started not wanting Austin to see her just yet.

"Yes mommy?" She inquired as Austin decided he was done with waiting as he heard voices now and he was quite frankly sick of waiting.

"I'll call you either later on tonight or sometime this week, but I love you and keep practicing and working hard baby okay?"

"Okay mama, I love you."

"I love you more, butterfly." She smiled and hung up as Austin opened the door wide. As he called out for Cecelia he was stopped by the three beeps.

keep that bitch away from
my kid, Austin. I mean that
more than I've meant anything
else. Keep her away from

Don't threaten me,

Trust it wasn't a
threat, it was a promise.

real tea comin
sooner than you
think, for real.

& Cecelia will
be there.

messages from her.Where stories live. Discover now