Chapter 2

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Walking out the house all I could think about is where am I gonna live from now on.

but little did I know living here would be the best option for me.

I started walking to god knows where.

I have a little money saved up so I decided to go to the nearest diner.

I only had a little bit of things so it wasn't that hard to carry around

I settled into a booth in the diner as a waiter approached me

"Are you ready to order" the waiter asked her name tag read Brianna. she's around 5'6 brown-skin  a little body but it looked cute on her.

"Can I get a vanilla milkshake with a cheeseburger and fries" I said 

"Ok your food will  be out shortly" the waitress Brianna said

I sat there waiting on my food and I saw a dark-skin walk in the diner with some girl trailing behind him she look like she had a whole lot of plastic surgery A LOT of it. she was one of those girls who likes there butt super wide that it looks like deformed hips but her face cute tho

the girl caught me staring "What bitch" she said rolling her neck

I just laughed at  her and waved her off and started eating because I will bust a bitch implant

The dark-skin guy kept staring at me with a questionable look on his face

I finished eating then said a silent prayer to at least let me find a place to stay tonight.

I started to leave the diner until the girl Brianna stopped me


"its Mya"

"I don't mean to get in your business but I see you have all your things and I know what I am about to say is weird but you can crash at my place if you want"

I thought about it for a second I mean its not like I have any other options

"Well I have no where else to go" I said with a shrug

"well I get off in an hour you can sit here until I get off and I can get you something else you want its on the house" Brianna said

"um yea can I get something else to drink please"

"your drink will be here shortly" she said

the dark-skin guy would still look at me every now and then and it's getting kind of creepy

"May I help you" I said with a slight attitude

"Sorry ma but you look mad familiar" he said

I stared at him for awhile trying to see if he looks like someone I know. He looks like someone I know but I don't know

"Mya?!?!" he blurted out of no where

"how do you know my name" I asked

"you don't remember me? It's me Quan" he said

"Very funny my brother left here a long time ago"



I woke up to what sounded like glass breaking 

I walked down the down the stairs but not to far so nobody could see me

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO" my mom yelled as she looked down at the floor I couldn't see what or who she was screaming at but there was blood.



"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE!" Quan yelled back and mom slapped him

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me again"

"You don't care about me or Mya yea I see you when i'm on the block you buying crack from them little niggas. How you supposed to raise us if you can't even keep up with yourself. Look at you, you were so beautiful and full of live and're letting the drugs take over your life"

"GET OUT" my mom yelled with tears rolling down her cheeks

"so that's what we doing now you hear the truth then kick your own son out"


I saw my brother slowly approached the stairs so I ran up to his room

The door opened and I ran up to him hugging him tight

"Please don't leave me here with her. Please stay she's just mad right now she'll get over it in the morning don't leave me"

"Mya I can't stay but I will come back and get you before it gets worst I need to get my self situated before I take you I don't want you living in these streets with me" he said

and with that he left me and never came back for me


I looked at him with tears in my eyes

"you didn't come back and get me like you said you would you left me there with her. You have no idea what it was like living there with her and how she treated me these past few years."

"MyMy I couldn't get you I was a teenager who just got kicked out of the house with no where to go. Why would I come back and get you in that situation I was homeless for a while trying to save up to get a place and try to get you back" he said calling me by my nickname.

"How are you not doing good you got on gold chains and designer clothes and you got this girl by you who obviously a gold digger so it looks like you doing fine, I am still wearing clothes from years ago it's falling apart I cant afford anything and some other fucked shit happened and you weren't there to protect me like a big brother should so don't tell me you're not doing fine!" I yelled with tears in my eyes

"Bitch don't bring me in your mommy and daddy issues and just because your maybe brother is right here don't mean I wont beat that ass" the ant booty girl said while rolling her eyes and neck

I chuckled and picked up the knife that was on the table and charged at her, I'm tired of people disrespecting me but Quan grabbed me before I could get to her

"DID YOU JUST TRY TO STAB ME?!?!?! Quan you better get yo sister before I do"

"Girl what you gon do oh right not a damn thing so shut the fuck up if you not gon do NOTHING" I said calmly as possible

"MyMy calm down just come stay with me and we'll figure things out in the morning you need to rest" Quan said

"No fuck you, you weren't there for me before so why are you trying to take care of me now" I said as on que Brianna came to my table

"Sorry to interrupt but Mya im ready to go" Brianna said

I walked to her car and stared out the window thinking why god would put people in situations like this


-sorry for the short chapter




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