Chapter 4

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I haven't been sleeping well I just encounter at my mothers house. I can't close my eyes at night without feeling like someone is on top of me forcing themselves in and out of me and it honestly is scaring me day by day. If do go to sleep I wake up in cold sweat. I'm really fucked up.

I laid in bed a little bit longer until I heard a little knock at the door

"come in" I said

Winterr came in jumping on my bed

"I had a bad dream and my daddy not here i'm scared" she said with tears in my eyes

I remember Brianna saying she was going to be working tonight but where is Ghost shouldn't he be here with his own daughter. I guess the streets more important than his own seed.

"You can stay in here with me Winterr. You gonna be ok." I said trying to comfort her

After playing in her hair and singing to her she was fast asleep

I was just about to go to sleep myself when I heard the front door slam

I got up hoping it was Brianna so I could tell her about her no good baby daddy. He didn't even know if I was in my room or not I could have been gone and Winterr would have been home by herself.

But it was just Ghost

His eyes were red and low and he smelled a lot like liquor

seeing someone like this made the fear in me rise a bit. Everytime i'm in a room with someone like than I either get beatend or rapped or both depends on the person.

"Fuck you looking at thot!" Ghost semi yelled

"Shh your daughter is sleeping. How could you leave her here like that she woke up looking for you because she had a bad dream but you over her getting high and drinking you life away instead of looking after your daughter. And you gon stop talking to me any type away cause im not scared of your ass I don't know what type of hoes you met in the past that you talk to like that but you gon treat me with some respect PERIOD." I said now mad

"Girl get the fuck out my face did all that shit for nothing NOW WHERE THE FUCK MY DAIGHTER AT!" Ghost yelled

i'm scared to give him to her because I don't know if he could hurt her or leave again

I can't let this little girl feel the emptiness

I feel I wish that on no one not even my worst enemy.


Why can I never have my house to myself without Brianna trying to be "Captain save a hoe" to every stray dog she sees.

But I'm glad she did because I'm ready to hit that

You can look at her and can tell her pussy feel good

I gotta call my nigga Daquan and tell him what my bitch picked up at her job

But if the bitch tell me how to raise my seed again she won't see a light of day again


I really hope everything is going good with Giovanni and Mya

I know it's hard for him to open up to people and stuff

When I saw Mya at that diner I couldn't do anything but try and help her I've been in that situation before and I wouldn't want anyone else what it's like being homeless and and wonder when are they ever going to eat again.

There is lots of things Giovanni doesn't know about me because I'm afraid of being judged by him and he's either drunk, high, or both so I can't actually have a stable conversation with him.

I'm just a damaged good that he wouldn't want if I expose my past

Giovanni has raped girls in the past and one of those girls was me

After months of being homeless he found me and took me in. He showed me what love was, he showed me thing that I thought I would never experience in my life, and the night I gave him a piece of me was the same night he showed his true colors

He made a phone call right after we had sex and he made a phone call and said "I was good to recruit"

I didn't question it because I was on cloud nine I had a handsome guy by my side and he had a big package if you get what I'm saying

Some guy can shortly after and put a cloth over my mouth and I woke up in a warehouse and that was where I was raped by many different guys for a couple of years and honestly I don't feel bad for myself because I deserved it.

But on day Giovanni came and got me and told me I was always his favorite

I was shocked my what he said I thought I was going to die he took me to unknown roads and for once and my life I was scared to die

But we pulled up to a mansion and he said that's where I would be staying...with him

Everything was going good I didn't have to sleep in that nasty warehouse anymore, I got to sleep in a real bed, ate good food with a big proportion, and Giovanni was by my side once again, and most importantly I got pregnant with winterr it was they best day of my life when I took that test

But it was also the worst day of my life because Giovanni beat me pretty bad because he said I was sleeping around on him and the baby wasn't his and I thanked the lord for giving my baby a chance at life and let her survive the many different beatings her father gave the both of us

But it went even more downhill when he asked me to recruit a new girl and I thought I could give Mya a better life like he gave me so I chose her.

I put Ghost aka Giovanni name in bold to get y'all in the mix of both his names so don't get mixed up


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