Chapter 5

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I arrived at home to come to find everything Was EVERYWHERE

Clothes were in the living room scattered, dresser pieces everywhere, the whole house was a mess

"WHAT THE FUCK! GIO-GHOST!" I yelled as you can tell I'm infuriated I like to keep my house nice and neat everything is in a certain place for a reason


"Mya?!? I..I...I don't know what your talking about I was working all night I don't know where she is" I said telling the truth

Ghost walked over to me and slapped me

"Don't lie to me bitch" he said

He's hit me before so this is the normal routine

"Ghost I don't know where she is I swear" I semi-yelled now scared

He punched me in my chest and I fell over wheezing he then bent down to my level

"Ima ask you one more time and if you don't give me the answer I wanna hear ima give you the beating of your life." His voice boomed throw out the house

"I promise I don't-" I tried to say then he started throwing blows to my face I tried he get away but every time I fight back his hits get harder and harder than what they were before

After awhile I started to go in and out when he finished beating me he spat on me and that's when I blacked out.


I left the house this morning to get a breather from being in the house with Ghost all day long

I've been thinking long and hard I think I should reach out to my brother because it seems like things at Brianna's and Ghost's house are going south

I'm scared to text my brother because what if he abandons me again

He was only think about his self when he left

Why would you leave me there with our drug addict mother and who brings different men in every night

Yeah you were homeless for awhile but I would of been by his side the whole time because I'm his sister and I would of been there to help make us stable

He slipped me his number back when I saw him at the diner and I think I should use it

I mean what if I look like I'm just there for the money

What would happen to Winterr that's an unstable home she's in

It's like I'm living in like those sims videos with the child abuse in it

(A/N we all used to watch them videos when we was younger or still do don't front💀)

What if I took her away from them

She would have a better life with me I mean I could get a job, get a place, and give her everything I've never had but the only way I could do that is if I stay with my brother Ghost is getting crazier but the day and more creepy and I don't want to live there if it's gonna be like me living with mom all over again

So I texted Quan

So I texted Quan

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