Training/U.A entrace exam

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*A few days later*
"Are you ready Eri?" ,-asked Midoriya as he had to find and make all the materials to make the lightsaber from scratched and found the best possible minerals and materials.

Midoriya went and set everything up in an empty room on the second floor. In a marble and wooden table were placed along with multiple seats and an air filter system within the room.

"Coming!" ,-she replied running into the room.

"Have you been studying?" ,-he asked taking out two Kyber crystals.

"Yes, papa I have." ,-she responded walking next to him looking at the strange crystals.

"Look, get closed to the table." ,-said Izuku pointing at the crystal.

"What are these?" ,-she asked as she grabs both of them and the crystal reacted again. She felt a burst of energy rush through her body.

"What was that?" ,-she asked looking over at Midoriya.

"You wanted a new weapon right? This is where you start." ,-said Izuku pointing at his lightsaber.

"But their crystals right?" ,-said Eri confused even if she had gained more knowledge, it wouldn't be useful if she doesn't know how to apply it properly.

"Look at the table, these are Kyber crystals they well alive. This is where you will build your new weapon." ,-said Midoriya

So Eri places those two crystals. "Everything around here is to help you to assemble lightsaber." ,-said Midoriya

"Okay.......I will try." ,- she said looking through the different parts and metals.

While Eri continued trying to assemble her two lightsabers. Izuku already built his second one as a test to see if he got the right measurements and materials. And it worked after his fourth attempt.

"This little girl is not the same as she was a few months ago. That determination to learn, and explore, sounds something similar to what my master told me before. Kids sure grow fast and before you know it they will pass you." ,-he thought still observing Eri making mistakes and correcting them soon after.

"...I can't do it, I can't." ,-said Eri as she tried to force push after the seventh time.

"Yes, you can move forward. Look move to me 5 meters, we are going to buy a whole apple pie if you can move me." ,-said Midoriya waiting.

"I...I.....I can....." ,-she stopped crying and open her eyes. "Do it...Move." ,-Eri thought as little but little the started to fell the flow of the force around her which started moving Midoriya slowly even if he put out some resistance.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!!" ,-she said excitedly jumping around.

"Good job!" ,-said Izuku, "Damn this kid will be more powerful and will soon pass me. Good on her." ,-he said getting up. "Let's go get some apple pie."

"Yea!!!!" ,-she yelled with even more energy.

*End of flashback*
(You may have noticed that I change Eri's attitude a little bit. And let's just say thanks to the intense Jedi training and vast knowledge of the force in a short amount of time. Kids are very adaptable in learning new things and can change dramatically. Midoriya even notices that change.)

"Look Look Papa I did it!" ,-said Eri showing Midoriya her first lightsaber built. It took her multiple attempts before she completes the first one.

"On to the second one." ,-said Midoriya pointing at the purple Kyber crystal.

"Second one?" ,-she asked looking in the direction he was pointing.

"The second crystal is waiting for a home." ,-said Izuku pointing that the lonely crystal.

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