Dora's backstory

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Dora sat on a bus. It smelled. The bus driver was driving. It was going to be a long ride. Now seemed like a perfect time for her to think about her entire backstory and childhood trauma! So that's what she did.

Dora's parents were so spineless that she could literally do anything she wanted. She grew up having a hard time in school because she was adjusting to people telling her "no" for once.

The teachers were mean because they said she was "delusional" for some reason. She couldn't quite figure out why... it definitely wasn't her talking map that she insisted was totally real.

Sigh. As an adult Dora had many problems. She really needed a therapist, but for now consulting her talking monkey for advice would do. And talking to thin air. Every time she made an important financial decision she would ask herself if it was a good idea in Spanish.

The employees at Gucci thought this was kind of a weird thing to be doing as she was buying her $1500 orange Gucci slides, but whatever because it was a good purchase.

Yep, Dora definently needed a therapist.
Therapist: so what do we say when we feel a negative emotion?
Dora: swiper no swiping!
Therapist: ...

Hahaha I'm trying to be relavent to my huge gen z/ millennial audience by including the popular internet memes! What do you think???????

Sometimes it's hard to relate to the kids considering I'm in my late 40s lol

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