Tree People?

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Real quick, if you haven't already, read the last chapter! It's important and will help you understand the basics of this AU/Story!

Summary: While Virgil encounters Team Rocket for the first time on the way to Orchard City, Roman and Logan bicker, Beedrills get angry, and malasadas are truly holy.

It was a fairly hot and sunny day, not Alola hot, but not the normal heat for this region either. It was nice.

They were walking down the dirt path, talking about the perks of Orchard City, at the current moment.

"The first place I'm gonna get a gym badge! What could be better?!" Roman shouted excitedly, looking over Logan's shoulder at a map displayed on the smart boy's tablet.

"You not shouting in my ear?" Logan glared at Roman from the corner of his eyes as they walked along.

Roman gave Logan an apologetic look before he continued his rant at a normal volume.

"But seriously, nothing could beat getting one's first gym badge!"

"Except malasadas," Virgil mumbled from the back of the group, Stormy out and on his shoulder. But despite mumbling, the others heard anyway.

"Aw Virge, we'll get malasadas as soon as we get there, I promise!" Patton reassured, looking back at him, before his face turned to one of confusion. "Wait, what's a malasada?"

"Malasadas," Logan began. "Are Alolan pastries that are sweet and have a wide range of flavors, much like Poképuffs."

Logan pulled up an image of malasadas on his tablet, which the others looked at with awe. "Unfortunately for Virgil, this region doesn't have malasadas like his home region. While this region has Poképuffs like Kalos, malasadas are only acquirable in Alola."

"WHAT?!" Virgil yelled stopping in his tracks, causing Stormy to almost fall of his shoulder and the others to jump and stop as well. "THIS REGION IS DEPRIVED OF MALASADAS?! MOM DIDN'T MENTION THIS WHEN WE MOVED!"

"Don't worry Virge! Poképuffs are still pretty good! And they come in a lot of colors!" Patton said, stepping over and placing a hand on the shoulder that wasn't occupied.

"Patt's right! Just think of it as eating foreign treats until you go back!" Roman said, making Virgil smile a little.

"Except for the fact that he lives in this region now, and will probably never go back to Alola again," Logan stated, immediately making Virgil look sad again and causing Stormy to growl while glaring.

"Uh- OF COURSE THOSE ARE UNLIKELY STATISTICS! BESIDES, WE COULD ALWAYS TRY TO MAKE MALASADAS OURSELVES!" Logan said panickedly, moving his hands in what was supposed to be a reassuring manner.

Roman snickered. "Nice save, Calculator Watch."

Logan just swatted the back of Roman's head, earning an indignant yelp and chuckles from the other two.

"Okay Kiddos!" Patton clapped, preventing Roman from getting his revenge on Logan. "Let's continue on! We wanna make it before it gets dark!"

Stormy barked slightly before hopping into Virgil's open backpack while the boys continued walking.

"So, what kind of flavors of Poképuffs are there?"

For a while, they just walked down the path, Roman ranting about getting a gym badge, Patton listing off all the stores they needed to stop by, Logan checking his tablet to see if they were still heading the right way, and Virgil just looking at some of the wild Pokémon off the trail.

They noticed a hot air balloon float by above them, but they thought nothing of it. Besides, they were getting pretty close to Orchard City, increasing Roman's extravagant rants in speed and volume.

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