First Badge, Acquired

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Holy Tapu Fifi, a request, and four none the less! Once again I decided to merge two of them because I saw the opportunity! Not gonna tell what the requests were since that'd be spoilers!

Edit: I am tired. I am exhausted. And honestly? This chapter is a lot shorter than I'd like it to be. Anyways, two more requests (currently) and a lot of lore on three or four characters to get through as Roman goes to the league, Patton eventually participating in Pokémon Showcases, Logan being a nerd, and Virgil going along with everything life throws at him while trying to find his destiny. Oh boy. 

Also this is mostly unedited, so sorry about that.

Words: 2227

Requester!: @ReaderOfFanfiction21 (sorry, it wouldn't tag for some reason)

T.W.: Pokémon battle, fear of Pokémon getting hurt, flirting, jealousy, oh sh*t the Dragonwitch, three irritated characters as a result from flirting, let me know if I need to add more!

Summary: Roman battles Poppy again while Virgil's panicking about the Pokémon getting hurt, and Logan seems mad for some reason? Patton just wanted his sons to enjoy the battle, however he could agree that Poppy's little sister could lay off.


"I don't like this thing," Virgil said, poking the splint now encasing his right wrist.

"Well, you're keeping it on until Nurse Joy says otherwise," Logan said, grabbing Virgil's right hand and holding it loosely. Virgil only huffed and leaned into Logan.

They were at a hotel for the night, after a long day of a failed Pokémon battle, panic attacks, attempted kidnapping, and a trip to the Pokécenter for Virgil.

The hotel room was nice, two queen-sized beds and a T.V., with a decent sized bathroom, a painting of the night sky and two windows with their curtains drawn tight. They decided that Roman and Patton would share one bed and Logan and Virgil would share the other.

Roman was already asleep, with Patton half way there as they laid in a dog pile with Patt on top. Logan and Virgil were sitting on the edge of their bed, watching as Patton slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Can we do nothing tomorrow?" Virgil yawned, leaning more on Logan, not that Logan minded.

"As much as I think we should have a day of rest, you know Roman won't let us," Logan chuckled, shifting them so they were laying down with Virgil snuggling up to him. He laid the blanket on top of them before wrapping his arms around Virgil.

"Let him do stupid stuff alone," Virgil murmured, hugging Logan tighter. "He can't c'ntrol us."

Logan only smiled as they both fell asleep.


"RISE AND SHINE!" Roman yelled, pulling back the curtains, Patton giggling as Logan and Virgil groaned. Roman and Patton, being the early birds they were, were dressed and ready for the day ahead of them, the heathens. Meanwhile, Logan was a night owl and Virgil was still getting used to the time differences from moving from somewhere where it was currently two or three in the morning.

"Nooo..." Virgil mumbled, snuggling his face deeper into Logan's onesie. Virgil will admit, in Alola, he was an early bird too, waking up at six in the morning. But he never woke up his family unless they slept 'til noon.

"It's eight!" Roman said, getting up and bouncing on Logan and Virgil's bed. Making Logan open his eyes groggily before glaring at the mean, mean boy. He reached to the bedside table and put on his glasses, actually hating Roman with a passion.

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