Panic Attacks

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Remember, I am open for prompts and will most likely write it if I can find a way to fit it in! Double remember, I am the literal embodiment of Virgil-centric, so prompts like that are appreciated! :)

Edit: I actually really need prompts. I don't know what I want the next chapter to be about ;^;
Please, somebody, send a prompt.

T.W.: My Interpretation of a Panic/Anxiety Attack

Summary: While in Orchard City, the group experiences the first attack Virgil has had in front of them.

Provoked/panicked thoughts will be in italics and calming thoughts will be in this! Be safe!

"I MAY HAVE FAILED THAT TIME, BUT NEXT TIME SHE WON'T BE SO LUCKY!" Roman shouted with determination as they walked along, making people turn their heads to the four.

They were currently on the main road, and boy, no wonder why it was called "Orchard City". It had typical city buildings,- skyscrapers made of glass, which gleamed in the afternoon sunlight- but it also had vines with colorful flowers growing all over the buildings. It was chaotic, yet beautiful at the same time. The main street had so many humans and Pokémon alike, all doing shopping, rushing, and talking, and looking happy (or panicked, in the case of ones who were late to their jobs).

"One, maybe if you actually had a strategy, you'd have your first gym badge," Logan said to Roman with a raised eyebrow.

"Two, stop shouting. People are staring," Virgil said, petting Stormy from where she was on his shoulder.

"Three, it was only your first attempt! I'm sure you'll get it next time!" Patton encouraged.

"Yeah, you guys are right. Also Virgil, I don't care if people stare."

"Well I do, so please stop." Virgil stopped petting Stormy. "Where are we going anyways?"

"Well," Logan started, pulling his tablet out from his messenger bag. "I thought maybe we should try Poképuffs, since you have the biggest sweet tooth I've ever seen."

"Yeah Kiddo, you crave sugar more than I do, and that's saying something!" Patton said with a slightly concerned expression.

"Are we seriously talking about Virgil's sweet tooth right now? I just lost a gym battle!" Roman said in a dramatic fashion.

"Yeah, let's talk about Princey for once. The more we talk about sweets the more hungry I get," Virgil mumbled, going back to petting Stormy, Stormy purring slightly in response.

"Sorry bud," Patton apologized. "So, Roman! What are you gonna do to beat Poppy?"

"Going to," Logan corrected lightly, trying to find a map with road labels on his tablet.

"Wonder how he lost to a grass-type Captain even though he only has fire-types?" Virgil said sarcastically, focusing his gaze on Stormy.

"Excuse me?!" Roman said, whipping his head back towards the Alolan.

"A Captain?" Patton asked at the same time.

Virgil looked at Patton confused. "Yes...?"

"I believe he means Gym-Leader," Logan interjected, smiling softly as he found the right map. "Back in Alola, they refer to Gym-leaders as "Captains". These Captains each hold a different gem that is the equivalent to a gym-badge, and after battling them you acquire these gems."

"Umm, actually it's not like that at all," Virgil said softly, making all three heads turn to him.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked.

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