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I made it quite a bit into the chapter before realising I hadn't made the usual A/N part. Whoops.

I'm only doing one request this time, and you get the drill, I'm not telling. Have fun with the chapter!

Edit: Holy Magikarp, I finished this a lot faster than I thought I would. I just posted the last chapter yesterday! Oh my goodness. Something must be wrong with me (or it could be because I binged a lot of Pokémon yesterday, but who knows!)

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Just two more requests to currently write! Here we go!

(Also again, this is mostly unedited, fair warning)

Words: 2032

Requester!: 6Sergeant9

T.W.: People not being cautious, falling off of a cliff, mentions of injuries, mentions of previously gained injuries, Patton being really irritated/mad, smacking, let me know if I need to add more!

Summary: While on their way to Sage Town, and by extension, Rosemary, Roman, Patton and Logan fall off a cliff. While trying to find their way back to the path, Virgil makes an "official" friend.


"Route four is simply beautiful!" Roman said as they were walking the next day.

The trail they were on was near a steep cliff, with big trees and flowers blooming everywhere you look, and it seemed you could always hear Pidgeys. It truly was beautiful.

Virgil really liked the area too. All the flowers made him think of Alola. However there was such a variety compared to Alola. Most of the time, flowers from the islands were a specific color in accordance to their Guardian, like how Virgil's home island of Akala was covered in pink flowers for Tapu Lele, or how Mele Mele Meadow was overtaken by yellow flowers for Tapu Koko.

Also, the flowers gave him an extreme urge to make flower crowns. He couldn't sit down to make them though, since they needed to get to Rosemary before Roman lost his mind. It was bad enough that there was a small town in between the two, making the trip seem longer than it was.

Logan was also hoping to make it to Sage Town (the town in between) before nightfall, and Virgil didn't want to delay them because he wanted to make flower crowns. That wouldn't be nice.

"Oh my goodness, look over there!" Patton said suddenly, grabbing Roman and Logan and pulling them to the cliff. Virgil followed but stayed a fair distance away from the edge, unlike the other three.

The view was beautiful, with a bunch of bird and bug Pokémon flying over the trees, and there was a river that glowed in the afternoon sunlight.

"This view is remarkable," Logan said, and Virgil looked over at the three, seeing them completely absorbed in the view. Virgil smiled before a small sound caught his ear, he looked down to see a small crack in the ground by Logan and Roman.

"Um, maybe you guys should get away from the edge," Virgil said worriedly, moving toward them to pull them away. Patton turned his head to look at him, opening his mouth, but before he could speak, the ground gave way beneath them.

Virgil yelped as he watched his friends disappear from view, Stormy sticking her head out of his bag because of her owner's distress. He ran close to the edge, peering down to see the tangle of limbs known as his friends.

"Are you guys okay?" He called down, and they looked up at him after untangling themselves.

"We're fine!" Roman called back, dusting himself off, and Virgil let out a sigh of relief as Stormy moved from the backpack to his shoulder, and Virgil could tell she was between worry and trying not to laugh.

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