Virgil Sanders VS. Route Six

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Oh my goodness! I'm not doing a request! Who have I become?!

Seriously though, I just found this to be a good bridge way to a request or two, plus I'm sure we wanna know how Virgil's gonna do by himself on Route Six ;)

Should you be concerned about that wink? Probably.

Edit: Oh my goodness why am I so cruel to our emo boy? *thinks about the plan for next chapter* ... WHY DO I DO THIS TO MY BABEY?!

I seriously put the poor thing through so much. Someone kill me before I can harm him more.

I remember people commenting how they wanted this to go well for Virgil, and here I am, destroying their hopes and dreams. (Also the amount of trigger warnings dear god, someone really needs to stop me)

Edit Edit: I already posted the chapter last night (I feel weird saying that because I've been up 24 hours) but I've meaning to put this song in a chapter since, like, First Badge, Acquired, because it's my favorite song in the series by far and oh mi gawd Ash and Goh are either best friends or boyfriends and you can't convince me otherwise. Plus it's catchy 

Words: 2836

Requester!: None, for once

T.W.: Sleeping outside, rationing food, Virgil kinda toughing it out, Virgil and Pokémon battling being in the same vicinity (technically), ambush time (but it's not the people you'd think it'd be), regret, sadness, blaming, injuries, sickness, possibly being poisoned, yelling, Virgil hating himself a whole heck of a lot, mentions of previously gained injuries, bleeding, mentions of bleeding, smacking people on the head, fear, anxiety, let me know if I need to add more!

Summary: Traveling down Route Six, Virgil has to take care of himself and his Pokémon and does pretty well for a while. Meanwhile, Roman, Patton, and Logan are all really scared for Virgil as they arrive in Rosemary.


"C'mon, c'mon," Virgil mumbled, trying really hard to make a fire with one of his hands in a splint. When a small fire blazed to life, he jumped up joyfully. "Yes! I HAVE MADE FIRE!"

And he stayed happy for all of two seconds before he realized something.

"I could've asked Aki to use Ember..." he mumbled, Done™️ with his stupidity. Thank malasada he at least knew what fire safety was, gosh darn. He smiled however when he heard a rustling in the bushes, turning to see Stormy and Aki carrying a few berries. "Alola! Glad to see you guys found some food!"

He sat down in front of the fire, searching through his bag as the other two sat beside him, pulling out some granola bars and trail mix.

"I took into account how much food we have and how much they'd fill us up, and how long it'll take for us to get to Rosemary, and figured out how much we could eat of these portions! You guys can spilt the berries, and I'll eat the leftovers if there are any."

Aki seemed concerned about it, but he waved her off.

"Don't worry! A couple days of less food won't hurt me! It's only until we get to Rosemary and find the others, okay?" Aki seemed satisfied with that as she ate along side Stormy, Virgil eating his (pretty small) dinner too.

So, we just need to keep on the trail, and we'll eventually get to Rosemary! Easy peas-y, Virgil thought, putting out the fire when he was ready for bed and putting Stormy and Aki in their Pokéballs, not wanting them to sleep in the cold since Roman and Patton had the tents and blankets respectively.

"Goodnight, and sweet dreams," he whispered before putting the balls in his backpack and cuddling up to it protectively.


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