Going on Instinct

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Here we go, finally in the mood to write more Pokémon stuff! Woo!

I'm doing three requests this time, and after I'm done with these, I'm going to have to check to see if there's any more requests I've missed (I'm not counting the one from unispark because it's one of the chapters I've wanted to do since I came up with this book), but I'm pretty sure these are the last requests I currently have (that can only be so good)

Also, I finally figured out I wanted to call this region I made up the Arbre region! Might change it later, but for now Arbre it is!

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Edit: Oh my god this came out a lot later than I would've liked. Sorry, quarantine got the better of me and then school slapped me in the face and I'm kinda dying. Also the suicidal thoughts decided to surge during suicide prevention month, which is strangely ironic.

Have fun with this chapter I guess! Also the last part is mainly unedited, so sorry about that!

Edit^2: I already posted this a couple hours ago late at night and I'm about to go to bed but before I do, because I know when I wake up all the notifications in the world will be there, please send requests because I'm pretty sure I have none left and I don't know where to go from here

Words: 4796

Requesters!: ReaderOfFanfiction21 Drake20Drake and PrincessLuna006

T.W.: Team Rocket, Pokémon battling and Virgil being in the same vicinity, mentions of previously gained injuries, mentions of poison, mentions of blood, mentions of a human being harmed by Pokémon, kidnapping, Roman being a sore loser, Roman being rude to his little brother, let me know if I need to add more!

Summary: Virgil finally makes it to Rosemary, and after going to the Pokécenter, shocks everyone when he asks Roman a favor. Meanwhile, Team Rocket finally finds their child (which Janus still really doesn't like that much), and Roman's attitude actually helps them retrieve Virgil.


When Virgil woke up, he almost screamed in frustration at how his back felt like death from sleeping on nothing but dirt for another night. He restrained though, because screaming would probably end with him getting poison jabbed again and actually being poisoned.

He sat up with a wince, quick to grab Stormy and Aki's Pokéballs and let them out, telling them they could probably eat breakfast at Rosemary, if they wanted to leave early.

And that's what they ended up doing, all wanting to get off the Arceus-forsaken route as soon as humanely possible. Virgil's limp had only gotten worse, but he couldn't bring himself to care too much when his biggest issue was his spine.

"Hear me out," Virgil said out of nowhere, and when both of his Pokémon yipped in acknowledgement, he continued. "We run the rest of the way."

Yeah, that ended with him getting lightly smacked with a tail or six. Apparently, they didn't want him to mess up his leg more, the mother hens.

Virgil, of course, didn't really care about their opinions after he realized he was going on forty-eight hours without sweets. So, when both of them went to curl up in his backpack, he prepared for divine wrath.

"Sorry," he said loud enough for them to hear before starting to sprint down the path.

He heard them yelp in surprise and soon in anger, and Virgil just ran faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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