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Author's pov:
Sicheng was walking from school with his best friend, Taeil. "Hey taeil, I got a question...." Sicheng said nervously. "Of course Sicheng. What is it?" Taeil said without evening knowing winwin was nervous." can I say this....i-i-i t-think-" as Sicheng tried to tell taeil,but Taeil cut him off. "Comeee onn Sichengg" taeil complained. "UGHHH I THINK I AM GOING TO CONFESS TO JENNIE, GOSH TAEIL!!" Sicheng screamed at the top of his lungs. "Calm your tits Karen, gosh. You didn't need to yell....." taeil said with a attitude."well your old ass wouldn't Fucking wait, dumb ass." Sicheng with a attitude back."ughh whatever you girl fucker." Taeil said "you're saying it like it's fucking bad to be straight....and I have fucking hoe." Sicheng said. "Whatever, I know you're bisexual Sicheng. It's soOoOoOoO obvious" taeil said while bumping into Sicheng playfully. "n-no I don't know what you're talking  about man." Sicheng said while flipping his fake hair. "Mhmm like you didn't have a crush on ehhmm Johnny." Taeil said as he continues to bump into him playfully. "Okay maybe like that's it" Sicheng said as he kept walking. "Sicheng I have like a whole list of boys you liked before, so don't even." Taeil said as he stoping bumping in winwin. "Okay, I guess I am that bad?" Sicheng said as he stopped and looked at taeil. "Omg are kidding me, Sicheng I am a gay boy. So for me it's bad since my fucking parents are fucking homophobic, so being bisexual is not bad, and being gay or anything isn't bad, okay. Just find your princess or prince okay. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to date this person. Basically just do stuff that will make you happy, that's what matters the most." Taeil said as hugged Sicheng. "T-thank you hyung....I thought it was normal to like girls and boys.....but before I met you.... everyone was like no that's wrong, what's wrong with you....and I just couldn't take it..." Sicheng said as he felt tears coming. "Hey hey there's nothing wrong with you,okay? You're felt happy when you were around your crush right?" Taeil as he hugged Sicheng again. "Y-yeah you're right....I did like him.....probably loved him but.... that's the past....I need to move on....and confess to Jennie." Sicheng said as he wipe his tears away. "Good job, I don't care who you date....just make sure they don't treat like trash" taeil said as they make it to the entrance of the school.".... let's do this can do this."


Author's pov:
As Sicheng and taeil started walking to their lockers, Sicheng was stopped by a young lady. "Hey Sicheng....." The young lady said. "....o-ohh umm..... H-h-hi....j-jennie..." Winwin said shyly. "So, I have ask you something Sicheng." Jennie said as she flips her hair. "Y-y-yes......." Sicheng said as taeil saw what was happening. "Will you be my boyfriend, Dong Sicheng??" Jennie said as sweet as she could."w-what m-me...." Sicheng was about to finish his sentence before he felt something on his lips. Sicheng felt jennie's lips.
It felt weird......but Sicheng couldn't pull away since Jennie's arms were around his neck. It didn't feel right he thought. Why does it not feel right? She's Sicheng's crush right? Yeah she's the girl of Sicheng didn't feel like it anymore......"well see you around, baby." Jennie said as she kissed his cheek and walked away. "O-ok.........b-bye..." Sicheng said still confused and shocked. "BROO YOU GOT YOUR FIRST KISS BEFORE MEEE!!! THE FUCK IS THIS BULL SHIT!!!" Taeil yelled. "Hey..... Sicheng??? Hello??? Sichen-" before taeil could finish his sentence, Sicheng pasted out......... There's Soo many thoughts going through Sicheng's head....why didn't he feel anything when he kissed jennie? Why would she kiss me if I didn't even say yes? Why do I keep thinking about............ about......h-him......???

Well..... I actually like this story.......wowie well I hope I can make better and more detailed ones for....I don't even have fans so yeah, I finally started writing again since I NEVER HAVE CONFIDENCE SO I WILL CONTINUE THIS I PROMISE

I don't even have fans so yeah, I finally started writing again since I NEVER HAVE CONFIDENCE SO I WILL CONTINUE THIS I PROMISE

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