Our first date

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Sicheng woke up from his nap and checked his phone. "How is it 5:00 in the morning!!!!! Ughh...I have to get ready for school now" Sicheng said as he went to the bathroom.
30 minutes later...
Sicheng got his backpack and went downstairs and went to get a apple. "Y-you're finally awake Sicheng...." Someone said. "Yeah doyoung i am......wait....that doesn't sound like....omggg.....TAEILLLL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HEREEEEE!!!!!" Sicheng as he turned around to see taeil's arms wrapped around doyoung waist. Sicheng thought it was cute, but still not use to it. "You both slept together????" Sicheng said. "NOooOoOoooooOo i let taeil sleep on the fucking floor, of course we slept with each other!!!!.....wait...ohhh noo we didn't have sex...if you were thinking...that..." Doyoung said as he went to put his jacket on. "Nooo nevermind...i will get use to it..." Sicheng said as he grabbed his jacket too. "Why are you getting your jackets guys???" Taeil said. "Oh today it might rain...but i am not sure so I am just bringing it just in case...and it's soft..." Doyoung said as he grabbed taeil's jacket and started to put it on him. "H-hey...I have hands doyoung...I can do it myself...." "Nahhh i will rather put it on you because I want to, so deal with it...big baby or should i say small baby....since you're reallyyyyyy freaking shor-" as doyoung was about to finish taeil pulled him down and kissed him....but then hit him in the head. "Ahhh what was that for...." Doyoung whined. "You don't call me short ever again, you....umm...you....you....you BUNNY!!!" taeil said as he grabbed Sicheng's hand and started to walk out the house. "W-wait....i am sorry....wait up for me." Doyoung said as he ran to catch up with taeil and Sicheng. As they were walking to school, they heard the voice of the devil......"taeillllll!!!!! Why were not at home!!! I had to order food!!!" A voice yelled.

"Shit.......ummmm hi haechan...." Taeil said shaking. "Don't hii me hyung....now why were you not a home huh??" Haechan said as went in front of taeil and his friends. "Ummm...I....umm-" "you should respect you older ones, little child, and the reason he wasn't at your house is because he was at his b o y f r i e n d's house, so taeil won't answer until you ask him respectfully." Doyoung said as he grabbed taeil's hand and intertwined fingers together. "Ughhh....okay than. Taeil hyung, your little brother....missed you a lot.... and I called and texted you like over twenty times....and...i thought something happened to you okay....so next time remind me....and..I didn't order food...I actually made mom's chicken.....and I saved you some...but you didn't come so I put it in the microwave.....I am sorry for being a little brat....and acting like i don't about you...but I do...I do care....well you basically raised me since....you know...so...I am deeply s-sorry hyung....." Haechan said as he started crying and went to hug taeil, and of course taeil accepted it. "It's okay...haechannie......this how you are...and why would I not love you...your my little brother, you matter a lot to me okay...so.... don't think that also I am sorry for not telling you I was going to hang...out....with..my b-boyfriend....I will remind next time okay....also m-meet my b-boyfriend doyoung..." Taeil said as he release from the hug and went to hold doyoung's hand. "H-hi...my name Kim doyoung....and I am happy to say that I am your older brother's boyfriend....nice to meet you...um haechan..." Doyoung said. "What.... isn't your.... COUSIN M-M-MARK LEE???!??!?!??" haechan said as he finally faced doyoung.

"Y-yeah....why??" Doyoung said as he looked at Sicheng and taeil who look like they were doing to past out. "HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA MARK LEE IS YOUR COUSIN....THAT HAS BEEN HAECHAN'S CRUSH FOR LIKE 6 YEAR-" taeil yelled but was stopped by haechan's hand. "SHUT IT YOU OLD MA-....ummm i mean...hyung...." Haechan said as he looked around to see if anyone was around. "Wowie...umm...well if it makes you happy...mark broke up with Lisa....but he broke up with her since she was like...a lesbian...Soo yeah...but she wanted him to keep it a secret and of course mark kept it, so he isn't mad since....he told me he actually prefers boys or girls....so yeah..." Doyoung said as he tried to calm down taeil from laughing, so he won't laugh to death. "What....so...Lisa has been a lesbian...and mark prefers boys or girls...so haechan...you have a chance..." Sicheng said as he smiled."........shit...fuck fuck fuck ....AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA" haechan yelled. "Omg...haechan what did I say about your language huh???" Taeil said as he grabbed haechan's ear, and started walking again."umm...I think we should follow them......" Doyoung said to Sicheng. "Yeah...let's go we don't want haechan to get hurt from....momma taeil." Sicheng as he started to run to catch up to the sun and moon siblings....or should I say mom and son.

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