Chapter One

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I watched the smoke from my mom's car as she pulled away. I groaned glaring up at the sun squinting my eyes. Why is it so fucking hot?

I pulled my luggage behind me as I trailed towards the campsite. The closer I got towards the place the awarer I got of how much my mother must really hate me.

Sending me to a fucking sleep away camp? Im not fucking stupid. Just because you don't understand me mean shit nothing.

I got interrupted mid thought, by some loud ass screams and chants. I guess I was close. Because all I heard was "Camp Flog Gnaw 2014!" ringing around the area.

I walked towards the front gate to see, teens running around in bright colored tee shirts, fucking glow sticks and kitty ear headbands. What the fuck?

Is this some type of kids camp? She sent me to a fucking kids camp?! Outta all the bullshit I -

"Aww! You must be Mr. Okonma!"

I stopped walking and looked around. My eyes landed on some scrawny ass nigga with glasses.

"Yeah Im him who the fuck are you?" I asked staring him up and down.

"Im Dr. TC camp counselor and owner." He said smiling.

"Yeah that's cool and all, but can you stop fucking smiling at me that shit is gay as hell. Are you gay my nigga?" I asked.

"No. Let's just go campfire just started." He said motioning for me to follow him.

"Campfire? Like s'mores, smoke and shit?" I asked hesitantly following him.

"Yes." He said nonchalantly obviously fed up with my bullshit already.

But who gives a fuck? This camp still seems mark, but I ain't gonna complain. They got s'mores and I'm game for s'mores any fucking day!


I sat snuggled up next Frank under a blanket as me, him and the rest of the campers song the Flog Gnaw Campfire theme song.

We're making smores

by the campfire

Camp flog gnaw,

golf wang summer

I looked over at Frank with his forever harmonizing self. This dude had a fucking voice. If he wasn't such a 'psycho' I'd bet he'd be somewhere singing his fucking heart out right now.

I cheesed at the thought. Frank looked down at me and smirked.

"What's so funny Mellow?" He asked.

"Nothing. You have an amazing voice dude." I said.

"Thanks. Can't say the same about you." He smiled.

I gasped nudging him. "You fucking prick."

He laughed holding his side. "Sorry Mellow, the truth ain't always sweet with me."

I rolled my eyes. "I can see that dickface." I stood up from under the blanket. I brushed off my clothes about to walk away.

"Where you going?" Frank asked pulling on my leg. I looked back at him.

"To get another s'more." I said. "Do want one?"

"Nope." He said shaking his head. "Hurry back tho!" He yelled.

"No promises!" I yelled back.

I walked away hands stuffed in my hoodie. It was cold as fuck. I didn't mind tho. I stared down at my dirt covered Converse. Being the idiot I was didn't even think about looking where I was going. And ended up walking into someone.

"Oh shit my bad." They said.

The impact wasn't even all that serious, but I did knock some wind outta myself. I looked up to see who it was so I could bitch. But when I caught glimpse of his face I could tell they were new.

"Uh naw your good. I wasn't paying att- are you new?" I asked, cutting my own sentence off.

"Yeah. Sorry again. I'm Tyler by the way." He said.

"It's cool again. I'm A'miracle." I said.

He stared at me for awhile. His eyes would switch from my eyes to my lips on repeat. Until he started smiling.

"You have gorgeous eyes."

I could feel myself blush. "Uh thanks."

"No prob I .." he paused. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked looking beyond me.

I turned around and looked at Frank who was staring at me. If I was paper, I'd be on fire by now. Geez.


"Frank? No. He's just a friend big brother if anything. But huh I should go. Nice meeting you .. Tyler." She said smiling, walking passed me.

I turned my head and watched as she walked toward the fire pit. Definitely a head turner. I love head turners. I looked back at that Frank nigga who was now staring at me.

All I could do was smirk. He looks like friend zone material.

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