Chapter Four

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Frank. Frank? Frank ..

That's whose been on my mind since last night. The kiss with Tyler was a complete and total mistake. Everything that had to do with Tyler was a mistake. I told TC .. I told him that Olive would come back .. but he failed to listen.

Olive. Olive? Olive ..

I rolled outta my bed and got dressed. I have to talk to Frank right now. Knowing he would be at the tennis court that's where I headed to first.


"Hey fatass you seen Frank?" I asked as I walked up to Devon, Travis and Gerard. Who were just standing around outside of the tennis court.

"Nope. Haven't seen that nigga since yesterday, why you miss him?" Devon hummed.

"Shut up prick. Just tell me if you see him." I said walked away. Where the fuck is he?

I walked back towards the cabin, swerving and going into the mess hall. I walked in to see the usual kitchen staff and a few volunteers.

"Hey Linda!" I said trying to catch the attention of a petite redhead who kinda resembled Selena Gomez.

She turned and looked at me, smiling. "Sup Amir what can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Frank?" I asked.

"You mean Christopher? Yeah he came in earlier looking for you actually." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah .. he said something about going to the lake." She said shrugging.

The lake! Of course why didn't I check there first?! "Thanks Linda!"

I ran out of the mess hall going straight for the lake and I wasn't gonna stop til I got there.

"A'miracle where's the fire?"

I turned around and looked at .. Tyler? Tyler. Tyler .. I rolled my eyes. "Screw off!" I yelled as I turn and kept running.

The closer I got to the lake the more I was becoming worried. What if he isn't there? What if he's gone? I - I can't.

"Frank?!" I yelled.


"Fuck! Francis!"


"Christopher fucking Francis!"

Silence. I was quickly losing my voice and he wasn't answering back.

"Frank!" I yelled once more.

"Would you shut the fuck up geez!" I jumped turning around. "Frank?" I asked.

"Yeah .. just please stop screaming." He said uncovering his ears. "Damn Mellow."

I laughed historically trying to fight back tears. "You dick, why didn't you answer the first time?" I asked.

He shrugged looking down shoving his hands in his pockets. "I saw you." He whispered.

"Saw me? Saw me wha-"

"I saw you and Tyler kiss." He cutting me.

"You saw us?" I asked in a whisper, but he could still hear me because he nodded. "Frank I-"

"You know it's funny." He paused laughing. "I was finally gonna tell you how I felt. Finally let you know where my heart was, and you betray me - you .. you lead me on, leaving me to think that I actually had a chance. Like you were giving me a chance!" He shouted.

"Frank I-"

"No. No. No! Shut the fuck up when I'm talking!" He yelled. "I love you! But you - you lead me on and you stab me in the back, by kissing him!" He said pointing towards the woods as if on cue ..

Devon, Travis and Gerard drag a half dead Tyler out from behind the bushes. I could barely recognize him.

The dead give aways were his hat and clothes he was wearing when I told him to quote on quote "screw off".

I slowly slapped my hand over my mouth. "Tyler." I whimpered.

"You see. He." Frank paused pointing at Tyler. "Wouldn't been in this situation if you weren't such a slut."

My head snapped back at Frank, sending him a hateful glare.

"Oh don't act so surprised you know your a slut. Just to shy and strong to admit it." Frank spat.

"Why- why are you doing this? Why are you saying this?!" I asked.

"Because it's true! If you would have just stayed next to me! Stayed that pretty little quiet girl you were, nobody would be here right now! You did this! This all your fault!" He yelled pointing at me.

I sat there silent. I looked at Tyler. He's right. This is all my fault. I .. I started it all. And I'm .. I'm gonna end it. But before I could even speak .. everything around me became blurry and I fell to my knees.

I grew numb.

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