Chapter Two

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I could feel Frank staring at me from across the mess hall. I rolled my eyes mentally and continued to pick at my food. Flicking corn and pieces of hot dog across the mess hall.

I don't understand why he's so mad. What the fuck did I do? I said hi to one guy and it's like I fucked every nigga in the world.

Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.

"Hey dude people in Africa could use that."

I looked up to see Tyler smirking at me. Obviously talking about my hot dog and corn flicking. I smirked back slightly. "Whatever."

"Can I sit here or are you on punishment or some shit." He said glaring at Frank.

"Haha. Fuck you." I said flipping him off.

"You sure. I mean not tryna brag or some shit, but huh I'm pretty big." He said biting his lip towards me.

I could feel myself blushing again, but shook it off groaning. He laughed showing his adorable gap which I failed to notice before.

"Aww! Your a gap baby!" I squealed.

He glared at me before cheesing. "Your fucking weird dude." He laughed again.

"Shut up." I laughed throwing a piece of hot dog bread at him.

"Aye dude! Stop being wasteful!" He said laughing again.

"Whatever." I said settling down. "And stop laughing."

"Why am I turning you on?" He asked biting his lip again.

I could feel another blush coming on. I laid my head down and screamed in my arms. Which only increased Tyler's laughter.

"So what's some fun shit to do here?" He asked, as we both settled down once again.

"Uh we could go play tennis? Or basketball. I think they may have soccer too." I said shrugging.

"That all sounds weak." He said.

"True." I said. "Oh we could go painting!" I said hella excited.

"Painting sounds cool." He shrugged.

"C'mon then." I said getting up.


I'm really digging this girl. She's smart. Loves to draw and just like me doesn't believe she belongs here.

Not to mention how fucking gorgeous she is. Her pretty short curly hair. Her hazel eyes which I've noticed change color with emotion. And her smooth glowing caramel skin tone. Fuck.

I watched as she continued to finger paint. She was laying down on her stomach swinging her legs back and forth. I caught myself slipping in a gaze.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She said looking over at me smirking.

I smirked too. "Sure. You gonna pose?" I asked pulling my phone outta my pocket.

"Hell yah!" She laughed smiling.

She stood up straight while still resting on her knees. She rested her hand on her knees and began cheesing leaning forward. I laughed taking the picture.

"Wait one more!" She said. I nodded.

She pulled up her hoodie, along with the shirt, and her bra. My eyes grew wide. I tried to look away to see if anyone was around, but I couldn't.

"Hurry up and take the pic dude!" She yelled laughing.

I quickly took the picture. Once she was sure I had it she pulled down her clothes going back to painting while I just sat there in awe.

She looked back at me. And started laughing. "You okay?" I nodded slowly.

"You never seen boobs before my nigga?" She asked.

"Hell yeah I have! Ever heard of porn?! But you! You just fucking flashed me. That shit caught me by surprise!" I said.

She just continued to laugh before getting up going to wash her hand. She came back and stood over me.

"Let's go to the lake."


"Soo.. does Frank like you or something?" I asked as we walked towards the lake.

All at lunch I could feel him staring bullet holes into my head. I mean I'm not scared of the nigga. If he wants to fight over a girl that probably doesn't even like him we can go.

"I mean .. I don't know dude. He might, he might not." She shrugged.

"He seems a little over protective." I said.

"Yeah. I'm basically all he has here. He doesn't have many friends besides me, and some other niggas names Jasper and Travis." She said.

"Wow." I said.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about him." She said.

The closer we got to the lake. The better the view became. I smiled. It was so fucking gorgeous.

"C'mon!" Amir said grabbing my hand pulling me towards the water.

"Whoa whoa! What are you doing?" I asked slowing down trying to free myself from her grip.

"No. Get in the water with me." She said.

"Okay at least let me take off my fucking clothes." I said.

She sighed pulling off her hoodie, and shirt. Slipping her shoes off unbuttoning her pants sliding them off. I was to busy staring at her to take my clothes off.

"C'mon pussy!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes playfully, while pulling off my shirt, kicking off shoes and sliding of my pants. I ran behind her jumping in making water splash everywhere. I came up quickly looking around. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. I turned around and looked at Amir.

She looked back at me. I moved strains of wet hair out of her face. Which caused her to smiled. I looked at her eyes. Which the setting sun bounced off perfect. I've fell deep and I couldn't help myself anymore.

I gripped her waist pulling her closer to me before smashing our lips together.

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