Chapter Three

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The thought of being here already burned my soul to the core. And she knows this. She also knows that ..I love her. She knows. She has too! I scratched at my neck, feeling my temperature rise higher.

I was becoming pissed. Livid almost. Trying the fight the numbness. Trying to fight the voices. Trying to find peace.


I grabbed ahold of my bandana tying it tight around my head. I slipped my feet into my shoes. Stuffed my hands in the pockets of my hoodie and proceeded around camp.

Why is she acting so out of order? Like she has no knowledge of my love for her. Yes, maybe I have never expressed it, but she should know.

She should. She's just being - she's just being so fucking difficult. Like that night wiping her tears meant nothing. Like I actually meant nothing.

Running clean threw my thoughts TC ran up panting talking complete gibberish. I don't have time for this shit man.

"Have you seen Amir she has-"

"Nope." I said interrupting him. "But she's most likely with that new kid."

"Tyler?" He asked.

His name is Tyler? "Yeah .. Tyler." I said walking around him keeping on my way.

I pulled out my mental list. Seeing that this is what I need the most right now. Stable mental closure. First things first;

1. I am her Yoda, and she is my Mellow, wether she likes it or not.

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