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Jimin's POV

"Oh gosh! Hyung is sick I have to be quick."

After buying the necklace for my grandma, I immediately exited from the shop. I just remember that Hyung is sick. Haisttt, will he be able to work tomorrow?

I waited for a taxi and get one.

"Please be quick, there's an emergency." I said sounding like I'm in a hurry, not only because of so much worrying, it's also because the driver is creeping me out.

So after twenty minutes, I reached my destination.

Oh gosh! Thank you!

I pay and ran fast to our floor.

Opening my door, I notice that my bedroom light is open.

I saw Hobi Hyung sleeping, he looks so tired. I sat at my bed and look at him. His temperature is getting low now.

"Will you be okay if I'm gonna leave?" I asked him while fixing my blanket to cover him. I flinch lightly when he spoke so suddenly. I thought he's in a deep slumber.

"Jimin?" He suddenly jolted up and look at me.

"Sorry i fall asleep here. Can you sleep at mine instead? I can't stand up."

"Sure Hyung, please continue sleeping."

He smile at me.


After one week, it's Jimin's time to leave now.

Hobi knows about it and he indeed accompany Jimin at the train station to Busan.

"Take care Jimin, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Hyung. Bye."


At Busan

There's a knock on the door and Jimin is excited waiting for the door to open.

"Halmeoni!" He jump and hug his grandma so tight.

"Omoo, Jiminie!" His grandma is on tears now.

"I miss you so much Halmeoni, oh gosh!" Jimin started to cry. He's so happy seeing his grandma again.

"Halmeoni how are you? I'm sorry I'm not here always. Sorry for visiting just now. Oh Halmeoni." Jimin said caressing his grandma's cheeks which also contains a tears of joy just like him.

"Jiminie, I'm okay. I miss you too my baby." Grandma said kissing Jimin's forehead.

"Come on, let's go inside."

"Omoo! Jiminie! Oh gosh!" His auntie shouted seeing him who come out from the kitchen.

"How are you my dear?"

"I'm good auntie, you?"

"I'm good too my dear. We misses you so much." And they hugged.

"You came at time,  I prepare for lunch. Let's eat."

"Min Hyuk! Come here now! We're gonna eat, and someone is here!" Jimin's aunt shouted from the kitchen.

"Min Hyuk? The last time I saw him is when he's two years old, how old is he now? Seven?"

"Yes, that's the time you missed."

"Yeah," he laughs, "and I wish I'm here those times, and to be with grandma." He continues.

"Jiminie, that's okay. I understand you wanted to live on your own. And how old are you now? Twenty four? Do you have girlfriend now?" It tenses Jimin, he's been single since birth. He's not interested in any one.

"I don't have halmeoni and never been have." He smiles shyly.

"Why not?" His auntie ask.

"I don't know, maybe I want to live on my own. Not so sure." He immediately reply.

"Eomma!" Min Hyuk ran towards his mother and look at Jimin. Seeing new person makes the little boy shy.

"Say hi to Jimin Hyung. He's your big cousin."

"Annyeong." He says shyly while fidgeting his fingers, he's nervous and shy.

"Oh hi Min Hyuk. I miss you."

"Huh?" He hold his mother.

"I used to hold you when you're a little baby before, and sadly I leave when you're two. You probably can't remember me that time." Jimin smiles.

This makes Min Hyuk to glisten his eyes hearing Jimin talking about him when he's still a baby back then.

"Oh, so you see me crying and feeding me too? Even changing my diaper when I poop?" The little boy loosen his hold at his mother and walks toward Jimin's direction. His eyes are sparkling asking Jimin and he literally sat at his lap.

This make Jimin smile because the little boy seems to like him so fast.

"Yes, I fed you and change your diaper. It smells bad but still change you so you will stop crying." This makes the little boy to giggle and laugh.

They started to laugh too because the way the boy laugh, it has something into it that's spreading to makes you laugh too.

"Okay, Min Hyuk. Get off of Jiminie and sit beside him. We will eat now."

"Okay! Thank you for the food."

And the four of them started to eat peacefully.

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