Prolouge: I Love You

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Young love, Severus thought, was an idiot piece if literature that people stretched too far. Something that people thought too much about. Something he hated.

That was, until he met Mary Anne Miller.

Mary Anne was not like other girls Severus had met before. She was young, beautiful, smart, and most of all, in love with Severus. Severus knew this for a fact, as he had been in love with her.

Shortly after they started dating in their sixth year, Severus gave his beloved Mary a promise ring, making them promised to each other until they were old enough to marry. Mary had gladly accepted, and the couple was married when they were about twenty or twenty-one years old.

The couple had happily had a child soon after their marriage, a small baby girl who Severus had named May Beth, wanting the name to be close to the mother's own name.

As May grew, Severus became involved with the Death Eaters, an organization in which dealt with the darkest of Dark wizards, Lord Voldemort, or He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. This worried Mary greatly -- he could be putting the family in danger.

Severus promised his beloved that this would not harm them. "The Dark Lord only wants the purebloods to rule," he said gently before glancing at their daughter, who was brushing her doll's hair, "May will be a beautiful young lady, and she will be the best of the best purebloods."

Soon after Severus had said this, Mary was pregnant yet again with another pureblood child.

This, as Voldemort saw, was trouble. Grave trouble.

"Kill her," the snake man hissed. Severus looked at him in pure and utter horror -- murder Mary?

"My Lord, I cannot do that," Severus pleaded, not wanting his wife or undead child dead at his feet, "Please, if there is-"

"Kill her," the Dark Lord hissed viciously, venom escaping his lips as his eyes threatened the young man's fate, "or you too will die, as well as the young girl you call your daughter."

Severus was now more horrified than he had been before. "Oh, please, your Dark Highness," the man choked on a sob, "not May. Not my dear May."

"Then kill your wife and that unborn child," the Dark Lord hissed before turning away from Severus, "or that will be your punishment."

Severus nodded and hurried away -- the quicker this was done, the better.


"Severus? Dear, is something wrong?" Mary asked as her husband came through the door, his face sullen and worn, his eyes red and more dark than usual.

Severus pulled out his wand, pointing it at the young woman's forehead. "Close your eyes."


"Close your eyes."

Mary gulped before closing her eyes. "Severus, if this-"

"I love you, Mary. I love you unlike any of those cheesy Muggle men in those stupid Muggle romantic shows or movies you watch. I love you more than I can even tell you. I want you to know this before I do this to you," Severus' lip quivered slightly.

Mary's own lip quivered. She brushed the wand away, pulling her husband into a deep kiss.

Severus kissed back, with all the strength he had, before he mumbled the words against his wife's lips, his wand pointed to her back.

"Avada Kedavra."

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