Chapter Four: The Unbreakable Vow

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I remembered the Unbreakable vow I had made with my wife to protect May Beth.

"Do you, Severus Snape, promise to protect and love our daughter, no matter the cost and whatever may happen?"

"I will."

"Do you promise to care for her, whether I am here, gone, or dead?"

I had gulped from the word 'dead'. "I will."

"And do you, Severus Snape, promise to love me in the process as well?"

A small smirk spread across my face.

"Of course I will, dear Mary."


It had been only a few weeks into the semester and Umbridge has already begun sticking her nose in everyone's business, especially my own.

"So, you wanted to be the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, is that right?"

I stood still, even my heartbeat stopping for a moment. "Yes," I answered slowly.

"But instead you took the position of Potions, hm?"


After she had finally left, I caught Ronald Weasley laughing. In a hot rage, I smacked him upside the head with my potions book, which made him shut up very quickly. I went back to my normal posture, resuming class as if nobody had come in.


I was hiding in the girl's lavratory with Moaning Mertle until I heard some people come in. In panic, I shoved myself in an old, musty stall, listening.

"Have you seen that May girl? She is"

"She's Snape's daughter. Why don't they have the same nose?"

"I thought you knew; He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named killed her mother and a bunch of other people."

A few gasps were heard -- there were about five girls in there, the two having a conversation about me and a third one explaining what happened to my mother.

I blanked out for a moment. One of the Darkest of wizards killed my mother? Why? Of all wizards, why her? I mean, I don't know if this is true, he could have killed my father for better blood.

But no, kill the innocent twenty-five year old woman who was pregnant.

Yeah, that makes sense.

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