Chapter Ten: Strong Words of the Mistaken

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I held Macmillan back after class. I did not want to hear what he had told me. I was expecting my daughter to fall in love and marry one of the Slytherin, one of her age. Somebody she could relate to.

But, she lowered my expectations greatly. She lowered the bar so allow that a house elf could step on it without raising a foot.

"So, tell me, Macmillan," I pace around the fifteen year old, who was shaking in his seat, "how long have you been dating May Beth?"

"Sir, I must get to c-class." Macmillan stuttered.

I slammed a book on my desk. "I do not have time for your foolishness," I went right up to Macmillan's face, "How long have you been dating my daughter? I want the full truth."

"W-We met in a class we have together," Macmillan started, and it felt like eternity as he continued, "We met in Herbology. She and I were paired together, and things lead after another and we just...started dating."

I started to pace around him again, "And have you kissed my daughter yet, Macmillan? I am asking you of this, as my daughter is unable to answer me."

Macmillan bit his lip, "Yes," he said softly, so softly I barely heard him, "we have. Multiple times."

I gaped lightly, "How long have you both been dating, then?"

Macmillan wasn't looking at me anymore, "Two months," he whispered.

I was about to say something before Macmillan started something up, "Sir, look, I know you don't want us together. I know it isn't what you expected or wanted, but by the name of Hufflepuff, I am in love with this girl and I will do anything to keep it like that."

I blinked. Macmillan simply stood, grabbed his bag and left. I stood alone, thinking.

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