Chapter Six: Priorities of the Dead

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Later on from my small temper tantrum, I lay in bed quietly, wanting it to be over. Wanting all of this to be over.

I stare at my bedside table at a picture of my baby self, my mother, and my father. My mother looked beautiful. She looked just like I do -- except that I have my father's black hair. Of course, I have my mother's golden eyes. I do not know why, but children always seem to have their mother's eyes.

I mean, the only person I know who doesn't have his mother's eyes is Draco Malfoy, but do not get me started on him. Might as well have Nicole shove lava down my throat. She's obsessed with him and he's a year younger.

I've known Draco since I was about thirteen years old. The little bug was a second year, as I am a year older than he is. He never got to meet my mother -- none of the Malfoy or Black families did. Well, given Sirius Black met her in...unacceptable ways.

I look deep into the eyes of my mother. She stares back. She looks like she's trying to tell me something.


A young girl, about the age of three, looks at her young mother thoughtfully.

"Don't worry, dear," she cooes as they young girl plays with a doll, "Daddy will be home soon."

Just then, a young man with the same dark hair as his daughter steps in. The young woman glares at him.

"Severus," she hissed, her eyes bleeding poisonous venom, "I told you to come home sooner than this."

"I know, dear," Severus cooes, kissing his wife's head, then his daughter's, "I know I did. I couldn't get away this time. Not without a price, of course."

His wife kept staring at Severus. Severus sighed lightly.

"And don't give me that look," Severus said plainly, undoing his tie, "it makes you look like you have priorities of me."

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