Chapter Five: Consistancy In The Making

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Author's Note:

Hello! Yes, yes, sudden Kai appears~ Anyway, my best friend @gabvianwill be in this chapter! Her name will be Nicole Lightwood, a Slytherin girl who's best friends with May Beth. Enjoy!

- K


"May Beth? Your father sent me to come find you. Are you okay?"

I must have been sobbing in that stall for a while, because my best friend Nicole Lightwood had been sent to get me by my father's orders. I stood up from the stall, walking out and rubbing my eyes. "Right here, Nicole," I sniffed, rubbing my eyes.

"May!" Nicole ran over, hugging me tightly. She probably was worried sick -- I had missed the last two hours of our classes. "Oh, Merlin, May, did you hear those girls that came in here?"

I stared at her. "Yes, I did..."

Nicole kept hugging me. "I sent them in there to see if you were there. They never came and got me again, so I just assumed you wanted to be alone for a while..." she looked at me sadly, "Why were you crying? You still have tears on your face." she began to rub my face in a motherly way.

I sniffed, running a hand through my dark hair. I never did really cry at all -- I was like my father, always straight faced and told things how they were.

"I'm crying because those stupid girls you sent were talking about my mother's death and they bloody know more about than I do!" I started to sob again, Nicole rubbing my back.

"I didn't know that," she whispered thoughtfully, "I told them just to look for you."

"Well they didn't bloody do that, did they?!"

Nicole looked taken aback by my yelling.

"All I wanted to do was to help you, May Beth, but if you won't let me, I guess I should just leave." Nicole spat before leaving the girl's bathroom.

I stared after her. I wanted to tell her something. Maybe say sorry? But I had no idea how to. How would I say sorry to a person who didn't want to help me?

I sighed, walking out of the bathroom and to the Slytherin girl dormitories, scared of what might happen if I didn't return after curfew with that Umbridge lady around.


I sat in my office quietly, waiting for Nicole Lightwood to come with news about my daughter.

I had fallen in love with two women in my life, both of them dying by somebody's own hand by the Dark Lord. One had seen the Dark Lord up close. The second...died by my hand.

This is why I never wanted to fall in love.

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