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That night, I slept on

Your side of the bed

So..it was ready

when you got home


Luke is rushing to the hosptial, having just gotten a call from Michael's mum. He didn't say anything to his friend, only grabbed his coffee and left. His friend didn't stop him.

He's shaking and can hardly drive because his vision is blurry from tears. Luke isn't even sure what's happening, but Michael's mum sounded so scared and broken. He knew something was wrong, why didn't he go see Michael today? All she told him was to get to the hospital, something was wrong with Michael.

Luke is tapping his fingers against the wheel as he soaks in the sounds of his radio, not bothering to turn it when commericals start to play.

It takes him five minutes to get to the hosptial, two to get on the elevators and one before he arrives on Michael's floor. Luke sees Michael's mum in the waiting room, her hand clutching her chest as loud sobs escape her mouth.

"Is he okay?!" Luke rushes out, tripping over his own feet as he makes his way to Michael's mum. She doesn't answer him, only sobs harder.

Luke rushes to the counter, placing his hands on top as a lady from behind the counter looks up at him. "Is Michael Clifford okay? What's wrong with him?"

"I'm sorry sir, only family is allowed information."

"I-i'm his fiancé." He stutters out, lying through his teeth but they just had to tell him.

"I'm sorry sir." She says, giving him a small frown before turning away. What the fuck.

Luke turns back to Michael's mum, and slowly makes his way to her before sitting in the hard seat next to hers.

"I'm sorry..." Luke apologizes.

Luke looks down when he feels something touch his hands. It's Michael's mum. She's holding Luke's hands as she tries to control her breathing.

"H-he's in s-surgery." She takes a deep breathe, and then exhales slowly. "They haven't told me anything else." She says slowly, getting the words out into the open instead of keeping them in her head.

"For now we wait." She says more to herself than Luke.

Luke felt scared and his heart was beating so hard he wouldn't be surprised if it ripped out of his chest and landed by his feet.

"He'll be okay, he's strong."


So for some odd reason the song that inspired this story is "Always Attract" by You Me At Six. Hence the lyrics on top. {fav band they make me cry}

Coming Home | muke auحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن