Chapter 24

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In the hours following Kate's emotional discussion with Jack, Spot continued to monitor her from afar, respecting her request for space but also hesitating to give her too much. Because, although the girl appeared to be maintaining her composure with surprising skill, Spot could easily see that she was spiraling dangerously close to her breaking point. Kate had always had a penchant for self-destructive behavior when it came to avoiding unpleasant emotions, a trait which Spot himself often exhibited. But he also knew that with the fifth of whiskey she had all but polished off within the last hour and the fact that she seemed to be unable to stand from her seated position without falling over, leaving her alone was not an option for at least the rest of the night.

"She's a mess, Conlon."

Spot looked up tiredly into Rummy's face, surprised at the sincere worry he saw flash across his second in command's gaze. But the only response the Brooklyn leader could manage was a heavy sigh as he relaxed further into the chair he had been occupying for the past several hours.

He glanced across the room toward Kate's form, noting the drunken fatigue in her gaze as she half-heartedly nodded to the group of boys playing poker around her. She had thankfully abstained from all of the betting that had taken place thus far, and the boys had quickly ceased inviting her after noting the threatening look that Spot shot their way. Her inebriated state was already going to be quite the burden to contend with for the remainder of the night, so he had preferred to not have the extra responsibility of returning money to any injured parties the next day.

But, when Spot saw Kate suddenly push herself to standing, saying a quick goodnight to the boys, and then clumsily making her way to the entryway, he swiftly moved to follow her.

"Don't be too hard on her," Rummy said lightly as he offered Spot a knowing smile.

Spot couldn't help but chuckle in response as he rolled his eyes, muttering, "All I can say is she's lucky she's my mess."

Rummy glanced at Spot raising his eyebrows and nodding approvingly as he replied, "She sure as hell is. Now go take care a' your girl, 'fore she hurts herself on those stairs."

Thus, with a shake of his head, Spot walked to the entryway, steeling himself for the battle that would surely be awaiting him. And as he looked around the corner, he immediately caught sight of Kate attempting to steady herself against the hallway wall on her way toward the stairs.

Her green eyes caught his for a moment as he swiftly approached her, guiding her body gently into his supportive grasp and muttering, "C'mere, Kate. Lemme help ya."

She languidly leaned into him, seeming to be too drunk to do much else, but then he heard her solemnly murmur, "I don't feel well, Spot."

"I bet not," he said lightly, the wobbliness of her legs making it difficult for him to lead her in any forward motion at all. "But that's what'll happen when you get upset and drink too much. It doesn't take a whole lot for a little bit like you to overdo it anyway."

However, Kate's mood suddenly shifted in response to his consternation as she weakly pushed away from him, stumbling back against the wall and irritably responding, "I can hold my liquor just fine, thank you very much. And if all you're going to do is stand there and lecture me, I'll be more than happy to go it alone."

Spot had felt a smirk tugging at his lips in the face of Kate's petulant obstinance, which, when compared to her previous hours of stoic silence, was a much more agreeable place for him to work from. So, he backed away from her, leaning against the opposite wall as he raised his eyebrows and challenged, "Really?"

He motioned with his hand for her to continue as she glared at him and hissed, "Yes, you condescending ass! I got along fine without you before, so I don't see why it'd be any different now."

Of All the Things that I Don't Know (Spot Conlon + OC)Where stories live. Discover now