six; of raps and relationships

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      The school bell rung loudly throughout the high school, the sound of students rushing to their allocated classrooms soon replaced the repetitive ringing sound the dominated the hallway seconds ago.

Just outside the school was a young teenage boy, sprinting fast toward the hellish place. His legs carried him quickly inside the metal gates, panting as he paused to catch his breath.

The boy, by the name of Felix, arrived late to school on a particularly unfortunate Monday morning.
By the time he entered the classroom the teacher, Miss Le, had already started marking the roll. The freckled boy quietly made his way to the back corner of the room, not wanting the petite teacher to notice his presence.

"Lee Felix" the short woman called in her strict 'teacher voice'.

"Y-yes miss?" The poor boy stuttered out, his body stiffened out of fear an nervousness of getting caught.

"I know that you're late but since you did get here before your name was called I'll let you off just for today" Miss Le negotiated with the stiffened boy.

"Yes miss, thank you. I swear it won't happen again" the boy stated quickly, maybe a little too quickly but the teacher did not seen to pay attention enough to pick it up. He sighed quietly in relief, thankful that he did not have to explain his Monday morning lateness.

       After his morning classes, Felix found himself sitting with his friends yet again. It was lunch time, Jeongin and Seungmin sat on either side of him, the three of them fussing over their food.

Jisung had practice with Changbin and Chan, the three of them started a rapping group a few years ago. They named themselves 3racha after taking inspiration from a hot sauce 'sriracha'.

As per usual, the boys ended up fighting over another stupid question, today it was 'is water wet?'. Jeongin and Felix was on the 'water is wet' side and Seungmin, being the science guy, was on the 'water is not wet' side.

"I'm telling you water IS wet" Jeongin empathised, pointing accusingly at Seungmin.

"No it's not, water makes things wet, it can't be wet itself" Seungmin argued back, ready to fire his chips at the two other boys.

"Jeongin's right, it IS wet. It feels wet, therefore it is wet" Felix retaliated quite loudly, gaining attention from a few surrounding students, not that the boys had noticed since they were too invested in their little debate.

A few tables across, sat Minho, Hyunjin and Woojin. They had noticed the commotion caused by the trio, who were now louder than before. Minho nudged Hyunjin with his elbow and gave him a knowing smirk.

"So you gonna confess to lover boy over there?"

Hyunjin smiled, staring at a certain brunette from a few tables down, "yeah, watch me".

The tall, brown-haired boy made his way toward the loud table. Though, as confident as he may have looked, on the inside he felt nervous, as if his heart would jump out of his chest at any given moment.

The three boys were still deep in their debate to notice the tall, handsome young boy walking toward them.

"Hey guys" Hyunjin waved, giving them his signature smile.

The three boys stopped arguing, only to see the tall brunette smiling back. Seungmin immediately took back whatever 'nerdy' he was going to say about water not being wet and composed himself, trying to hide the blush growing on his cheeks.

"Oh, hey Hyunjin" Felix greeted the taller, noticing the little gay-panic his friend was having.

"Hi hyung" Jeongin cheerfully piped.

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