eight; of kisses and cookie crumbs

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The sun daintily peeked over the light grey clouds, it's rays landing upon Felix's path, making his Friday a bit more brighter. He wasn't particularly upset or blue, but instead, suddenly found himself in a peculiar situation. A situation of which need him to bake cookies.

'It should be easy, right?' The blonde boy thought to himself, praying that he wouldn't accidentally burn down his kitchen. Cooking definitely wasn't his forte, normally his cousin, Chan, would be the one to do things of this nature; the same cousin who had gotten him into this bizarre situation. Felix released a long-repressed sigh, 'ah, the things I do for him.'

Chan was busy with the upcoming talent quest, since they had passed the auditions, needless to say. In fact, almost everyone seemed to have something on, most of which included the famed talent quest; while this was happening, both Felix and Chan's family got together to prepare for the traditionally celebrated mid-autumn festival. The adults were in-charge of making the traditional moon cakes while Chan and Felix would busy themselves with baking cookies, kind of like a family tradition. Note, Chan and Felix. But since the older was busy with the talent quest, the freckled boy decided to take things upon himself, he had already bought ingredients from the store and now it was only a matter of making them.

The boy entered his house with a sigh, he had put his belongings away and headed to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen Felix spotted a yellow sticky-note on the fridge. 'Hi sweetie, I'm at your aunt's house making mooncakes. I'll be back late, dinner's in the fridge.' He noticed a little heart at the corner of the note and smiled at the small gesture.

Felix, after only minutes, had decided to ask his cousin for help; even after making them so many times he still couldn't manage to remember the recipe. A few seconds after he sent his SOS message, while Felix was putting on his mum's old and faded, pink apron, he heard a ding from his phone, indicating that his cousin had replied. Picking up the device, he read the message, 'I'm sending help, just wait a bit.' It read.

'Sending help? What does that mean?' Felix thought to himself. Confused, he texted back, '???' But Chan didn't reply, instead he a heard the sound of the doorbell and hurriedly rushed to the front door to answer it.

       Changbin swallowed nervously, somehow, he had ended up in front of his crush's house and now was mentally debating whether to press the doorbell. It was only ten minutes ago that he was messing around in the practice room with Jisung and Chan, well it was mostly him that was messing around and thus got himself kicked out. To be fair, he had finished his part and the other two boys seemed to be ignoring him, so what done one do but to annoy his friends to get their attention.

When Chan had just about enough of the younger's antics, he received a text from his cousin asking for help. The blonde glanced at Changbin, who was currently trying to attack Jisung with a plushie, then he looked back at the SOS message Felix had sent him; and thus the great match-making begun.

"Okay!" Changbin clapped his cheeks suddenly, taking a sharp breath.

Time to get down to business.

Felix groaned distressingly as his hand wavered from the classic plain flour and the fancier-looking high rising flour, he was crouching in front of a particularly messy cupboard in the kitchen, ruffling his hair  stressfully. 'Who invented two types of flour and why did mum buy both?' He now deeply regretted falling asleep in his theory cooking class.

Finally, falling backwards onto the cold tiled floor, Felix heaved a helpless sigh as he reached for the normal flour. As he plopped the flour on the bench, letting the small flour particles create a small cloud, the doorbell was heard throughout the house. Dusting his hands with the apron, he dashed to get the door, yelling a loud "coming!" as he ran.

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