"What did you do?!"

982 29 25

"Have you ever heard of the name "Eddie Winter"?"

              8 weeks pass

You walked into the detectives agency, swinging the door open with a hard kick making the detective himself jump from his chair. Dogmeat was the first to walk in.

"Jesus Christ, Doll don't do that! You might make my bolts burst from my chest" he said calming down.

You didn't say a word to him but tossed a small bag on his desk.
He looked up at you with his eyes saying 'what's this?'

"Open it" You said.

He sighed heavily as he slowly opened the bag.

As soon as he noticed what was inside, he face expression changed. His movements where slower as he pulled out a holotape from the bag.

"Is this what I think it is?" He asked again but his voice sound with a little more excitement.

"Yep! All 10 of those holotapes you asked for! And trust me.. one of them were difficult get, a Deathclaw was near by and my god was it tariffing!" You said giggling as you walked to nick and sat on his desk across from him.

"I can't believe you actually did this for me.." nick said in a low voice.

"Well detective- Nick Valentine" you corrected yourself. "I don't usually do this type of stuff as you know" you said with a chuckle. "anything for the one I trust my life with" you said.

The detective looked up at you slowly, a gentle smile grew on his face. You couldn't help but to feel a slight heat creep up and around your cheeks.

"Thank you.. Doll"

It was silent between you two for a few seconds.

"Y/n..." you said.

"What?" Nick asked.

"Y/n, my name is y/n" you said to him, you found it wired that you finally gave your name to someone. Nick is the first person you've told your name to anybody in a long time.

Nick got up form his chair from where he sat and hugged from across the desk.
The hug was unexpected, it took you a bit to hug back.

This type of feeling was new to you, the only happiness you ever had was Dogmeat.  and getting happiness from someone, was truly another level.

"Thank you, Y/n" nick said in your ear with the softest and sweetest tone.

"Not a problem nick" you smiled as you hugged him tightly as you said his name.

When you where released from the hug, you felt disappointed. It left you wanting more. wanting you to turn back time to the hug and just stop time there, making the hug last forever.

You looked nick in the eyes, his beautiful yellow eyes, they were glowing bright in the dim room. You couldn't look away, you only fell deeper and deeper into his eyes as he fell deeper and deeper into yours.

What was this thing you where feeling? This was not something you'd usually get.

Something was calling you, telling you to move closer to him. Nick slightly moved his head closer to yours but was still hesitant. You moved closer yourself.

Left in the Flames (nick valentine x reader)Where stories live. Discover now