cyrus doesn't have any pancake mix, not even the crappy aunt jemima kind

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the boy woke up slowly as the sunlight stumbled through the window with its honey sweet smile and greeted cyrus with a gentle "good morning".

"good morning, sun!" cyrus grunted, shielding his eyes from the window. "woah, too bright."

he sighed and laid his head back down on the pillow, but then fell off the couch with a panicked yelp when he discovered his pillow was breathing.

"yo, you okay?" tj mumbled, half-opening his eyes and staring down at a wildly blushing cyrus. his voice was deep and gravelly, almost rough. cyrus could barely contain himself at the sound, he wanted to hear it again, he wanted to hear that voice so badly oh dear god-

jesus, cyrus! stop it! cyrus scolded himself. what's gotten into you?!

"y-yeah, i'm okay. i just rolled off by accident." cyrus said quietly.

did i fall asleep on him last night? cyrus wondered, but not so quietly, he'd come to find.

"yeah, you did."

"w-what?" cyrus stared at his best friend with wide eyes.

"you fell asleep on me last night. you asked if you did,"

"oh my god!" cyrus brought his knees up and hid his face in them. he's never been so embarrassed in his life.

"it's okay, cy," tj chuckled, "i didn't mind. you're cute when you're sleepy."

cyrus sat still, shocked to the core as tj stood up and walked into his kitchen.

what just happened?

"cyrus! get in here!"

cyrus leaped up like a puppy and trotted in, trying to shake the comment he almost imagined he heard.


"where's your pancake mix?"

"don't have any," cyrus admitted as tj rifled through his cabinets.

"no. you're lying."

"i am not, mr. kippen! how dare you?"

"we need to go to the spoon. i want pancakes, cyrus! who the hell doesn't have pancake mix?"

"okay, get dressed then, tj!" cyrus mocked.

"i can't believe you don't even have, like, the crappy aunt jemima stuff at least!"

"i hate you. go get dressed."

"you love me."

"no i don't!" cyrus snapped, biting his lip anxiously.

"yeah, yeah, whatever," tj's face burned fire red as he rushed to cyrus' room to get some clothes from his backpack, but not before winking at his flustered friend.


cyrus sat giggling quietly as tj devoured his pancakes like a monster. he took a bite of his chocolate chocolate chip muffin and giggled a little more, and tj looked up to see what was so funny.

"what are you laughing at, muffin?"

"you're eating like a crazy person, teej," cyrus stated, trying desperately to hide the surprise he felt at the nickname.

"i'm hungry!"

cyrus nodded and took another bite of his muffin, and he tried not to watch how tj had to push his floppy hair out of his face every few seconds. he didn't gel it this morning, so it's natural for once, and cyrus really wished his breath would stop getting stuck in his throat with every move tj made.
the golden morning sky was the best light he had ever seen tj in. his blond hair looked soft and silky, and his freckles poised themselves like chocolate sprinkles on his cheeks; his voice was raspy and deep, and almost as smooth as the green rivers in his eyes. he was so pretty, and cyrus couldn't even breathe anymore. he forgot to after a few overwhelming seconds of just simply staring.

shit. this cannot be good, cyrus internally groaned.

"what's on your mind, muffin?" tj poked.

"is that my nickname now?" cyrus countered, knowing full well he couldn't hide the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"i think so. i like it." tj winked.

"me too."

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