Chapter six

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It had been nearly a month since the company left, you had done some intense thinking and you had finally made up your mind on what you were going to do.

As you walked through the garden, you weaved in and out of trees and bushes until you came across a small clearing. In its middle stood a small white tree, it glowed softly as you approached it.

"I ask for your help Lenus, I ask for three leaves so that I may save the line of durin."

You waited, the tree seemed to pulse as it was in deep though. You got down to your knees as you waited, balling your hand into the fabric of your dress you closed your eyes as a breeze blew by you. Slowly open them, you lowered to your eyes and blew a sigh of relief, three pure white leaves lay on the ground.

"Thank you Lenus, I am forever in your debt..." you whispered.

With gentle hands you picked up the leaves and stood up, quickly you ran between the bushes and trees once more as you burst into the tree palace. Havir, Lahir and their sister Sahir all crowded around you.

"My lady you didn't..." she whispered.
"I have to my child, I have to."

They all looked at you with sad eyes and they looked towards the leaves in your hands. Lahir placed his hands under yours, Sahir placed hers under his and finally Havir placed his over yours.

"We'll always be with you, no matter what." Havir whispered.
"What will we do now my lady (Y/N)?" Lahir smiled.

You smiled sadly and laughed a little, you looked them each in the eye.

"Havir, round everyone up at the barrier, men and woman who wish to come. Have them mount their animals ready. Lahir, assemble the guard, three units in front, four on both sides and six behind. Sahir you come with me."

Everyone nodded, Havir and Lahir ran off down the halls while Sahir followed your. You went into your room and placed the leaves on the table as you walked to your closet and threw its doors open. It took a bit of searching but you found what you were looking for. You pulled out four cloaks, each a stunning silver with a tree sewn on the back in gold.

You picked up one of them and walked over Sahir, throwing it around her shoulder you fastened it with the crescent moon clip.

"Beautiful." You whispered.

Glancing up you saw tears in her wide eyes. You placed your hands on her cheeks and smiled warmly.

"M... my lady..." she stuttered.
"I have had these ever since you were but a young baby on the outskirts of my border."
"You had it made for me?"
"I had one made for each of you."

Pulling away you picked up two more and held them out to her.

"Take these to your brothers, I'll be right behind you."

She sniffed and nodded her head. Gently she took the cloaks and ran out the room. You smiled softly and turned back to the closet. You picked up a small satchel and chucked it on your as you pulled your own cloak on. Picking up the satchel, you carefully placed the leaves and a few other items in there before walking to the main entrance. Waiting patiently was Mithran and a pure black wolf with a purple stripe running down his back and eyes a warm dusky blue.

"Mithran, Kithran." You greeted the two animals.

Kithran bowed his head and turned around, Mithran lowered his front half allowing you to climb on before he stood back up. He turned around and started to run through the now mostly empty kingdom. Children and men and woman who chose to stay waved as you rushed by. As you neared the barrier you saw animals lines either side of the path with people upon their backs. At the very front of the barrier was Sahir, Lahir and Havir on the backs of the only three white winged deer in middle earth.

"Are you ready?" Lahir beamed.
"Indeed I am my child, are you?"

The trio nodded you trotted over to them, turning your head over your shoulder to face the smiling faces of your people who wore green armour and cloaks.

"We ride for Erebor!"

There was cheers and hoots. Sahir and Kithran lined your left while her brother flanked your right. You nodded to them all and you all stepped through the barrier, entering the dark forest and started to make your way to its edge. Before laid a wide field, in the far distance stood the mountain you were destined for.

"How long do you think it'll take?" Havir asked.
"It'll take about a month at most, we'll come across right hill next to the city of Dale."
"It's exciting." Lahir grinned.

You laughed and nodded your head.

"Indeed, it is. Let us ride for Erebor!"

Mithran nodded his head and you gently held his antlers as he begun to walk, you cast a look behind you to see a whole kingdom following behind you, guards in their rightful positions on the backs of large panthers, while civilians rode wolves, bears, deer, horses and other beautifully odd creatures, turning forward once more you smiled at the horizon

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