Chapter Twelve

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Two months later and here you now stood, in front of your own body laid upon a beautiful table. It was a large open hall, the hall of the dead You called it. Against the walls lay graves of everyone who had passed, in the middle not far off was three beautiful tombs. Two with closed lids and one open.

The hall of the dead wasn't a somber place, many came in here seeking guidance, friendship, permission to court and some had even confessed their love while the dead watched over them.

Havir, Sahir, and Lahir were stood at your head and everyone else was stood at your feet. You were dressed in a beautiful white gown, your crown polished and placed upon your head.

Thorin stood at the very front of everyone, even Bilbo, Gandalf, Thranduil, his son and he red headed Elleth came.

On the other side of the wooden table was your Mother and Father with tears in their eyes. You walked around and wrapped your arms around them in a hug.

"I love you both..." you whispered.
"We love you too, more than you'll ever know." You mother muttered.

She kissed your head and Lenus kissed your forehead as he smiled softly.

"Are you ready?" He whispered.
"I... I don't know..."

He sighed and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he side hugged you. Turning you to face the group, you saw each of their pained expressions.

"Remember we'll always be with you my child."

Nodding you took a deep breath. Kissing his and your mother cheeks you placed a hand on your bodies pale cheek.

"I'm ready..."
"Very well." Lenus smiled, "close your eyes."

Doing as he asked you felt a strange pull and a surge of energy. You felt your lungs burning and you gasped for air, bolting upright on the table. Many gasps were heard and people watched in disbelief. Your body was surrounded by a white and gold light the penetrated your chest. When it famished your felt your strength return.

"M.. my lady...?" Lahir muttered.
"Lahir my sweet boy." You smiled.

Lahir threw himself at you and cried into your shoulder. Sahir did the same, and you felt Havir hug you from behind as he cried into your back.

"My children I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." you whispered.

Reaching around you pulled Havir in front of you and hugged the trio, a tear slipping down your face as you muttered your apologies over and over.

"How?" Thorin whispered.

Looking to your left you let out a sob as you saw the faded figures of your parents. Lenus wrapped his arm around your mother and they both smiled. Everyone turned to looked at the same thing.

"Great lord and lady." Havir smiled.
"Father... Mother..." you said softly.
"We'll always be with you my leaf." You mother smiled.
"In your heart, we're never far." Lenus smiled.

With that they bowed, laced their fingers together and walked further into the hall until their figures faded.

Lahir, Sahir and Havir got up off you and allowed Thorin to come closer.

"Why did you do it?" He whispered taking your hand.

Covering his hand with yours you smiled at him.

"I did it because you deserved better than that. The three of you did, you deserved to see that home you had fought so hard for."
"You died for us? Even after what I had done?"

Laughing quietly you reached up and touched Thorin's face. You looked deep into his sorrowful blue eyes and shook your head.

"That wasn't you. The man who shot me was not Thorin Oakenshield, king under the mountain. I would do it all again if I had to. If I was sent back in time a thousand times I would do it again and again."

Thorin didn't say anything, he looked down and slightly leaned into your touch. He took a step back and you smiled, placing your feet on the floor you stood up. Though you felt weak your legs supported you. Turning to the company and the elves.

"It warms my heart to see you all came. I am sorry I caused you great pain."
"You needn't apologise my lady."  Thranduil spoke, "you had touched all of us with your kindness, it is true the forest queen is one of a kind."

Laughing slightly you shook your head.

"I thank you king of the woodland realm. I see the darkness in your heart as subsided and you, along with Thorin have learned to forgive."
"Indeed, we have thanks to you." Thorin bowed.

Everyone in the room bowed and you smiled softly.

"You needn't bow to anyone my friends. You are all royalty here."

Many heads shot up, Bilbo's included. Though they continued to bow. The trio behind you walked around and urged them all to stand up with smiles on their faces. It was Ori Who shyly stepped forward.

"What do you mean lady (Y/N)?"
"We do not carry royal blood lass." Bofur spoke.
"You do not need royal blood to be a royal. It is about what is in your heart. All of you showed great courage and bravery when reclaiming your home." You looked to the dwarfs.

This time you turned to the red haired Elleth and smiled.

"You showed courage by standing up to your king for what you believe is right."

Kneeling you connected eyes with Bilbo.

"You left the comforts of your home to help others."

Standing up you addressed them all as one big group once more.

"These are qualities that make good leaders, Kings and Queens. It is not by blood but by heart. You are braver than any other I have known. In the forest kingdom everyone shall know your names for years to come."

Everyone smiled and a few laughed. Thorin stepped forward once more and he bowed his head.

"What is it?" You asked kindly.
"I have come to a realisation of something rather important."

Thorin lifted his head and smiled softly as he took another step, taking your hand in his.

"When I first saw you I knew you were unlike anyone I had ever met. In the short amount of time we spent together I found myself thinking of you more and more. When I found you had given your life up to save myself and my nephews I felt this hole in my heart. Then I found out what I had done to you durning the dragon sickness and I felt disgusted in myself, I had hurt such a beautiful flower. My lady (Y/N), it this moment as I stood over you with this empty feeling did I realise my love for you, and if you'll have me, I promise I will love you like no other until the our days. My lady, my one, would you allow me the honour of courting you?"

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