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Jay's POV

"There's nothing wrong about love —only when you look at it superficially," I reply to Monty, poking out my chest. He was astonished by my response. I looked over at Bey and gave her a comforting smile.

"Okay then, Jay. I'll leave you two. My Uber should be here in a few minutes!" Monty states while looking down at his phone. He puts on his pair of shoes on the side of the bed. He stood up and began walking towards me. I was standing in front of the doorway, blocking his path. I immediately shuffled to the side.

"Monty!!!" Bey yells out. Monty snaps his neck around to look at her.

"Yes, Bey?" He answers.

"Thank you —for everything! I appreciate you looking out for me. Please keep this between the three of us!" She said to him with a frantic look on her face. Monty nodded, and without another word, he turned around to exit the room. I gave him a cognizant nod and watched him walk past me down the hallway to the stairs. I remained at the doorway until I heard the front door shut. I gradually walked towards Bey, contemplating how to start this difficult conversation.

"Before you say anything, can I wash up and put something clean on?" Bey looked up and questioned me.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll go downstairs in the kitchen!" I told her. I quickly turned on my heels and left the room, closing the door behind me.

There are a lot of things that Bey and I need to discuss. Her demeanor tells me she is afraid because this isn't just our secret anymore. Other parties are involved, and we're left depending on pure loyalty. Will our friends betray us? Shit, if I'm being honest, that has me a little worried too, but I am convincing myself that it will never happen. I have to be strong. I have to keep it together.

I sat on the stool by the kitchen island, scrolling through Instagram and Twitter, which was blowing up. ESPN has been showing a lot of my highlights. I am becoming a prodigy. Seeing your dreams unfold right before your very own eyes is unreal. These next few months will be extremely hectic for me. This is why Bey and I should stop frolicking around and just be together. Let's make things official and live life more abundantly.

After 20 minutes of scrolling down my timelines, I heard footsteps coming closer in my direction. I looked up to my right to see Bey standing there. She was make-up-free, with her hair damp and curly. She had on a T-shirt, booty shorts, and a black fuzzy pair of slippers. The pleasant smell of lavender quickly filled the room, which was refreshing. She smirks while walking towards the breakfast I had on the table. She opened up the container to see what was inside.

"Mmmm, a ham and cheese omelet with peppers and home fries? Wow, thanks, Jay!" Bey cooed.

"You're welcome," I replied. This sudden awkward silence between us made me feel somewhat uneasy. I know this morning has been crazy.

I watched Bey as she warmed up her breakfast in the microwave. She came to sit on the stool right next to me as soon as she was done.

"You want some?" Bey offered, cutting off a piece of her omelet and holding her fork out to me. I declined. I wasn't hungry, but starving to know how she was feeling.

"Bey, talk to me. What's going through your head right now?" I questioned, putting my phone in my shorts pocket and turning my body to face hers. I wanted to give her my undivided attention. Bey lets out a big sigh before she pours her heart out to me.

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