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Bey's POV

Solange and I were eating lunch in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting any visitors today and figured it was probably my mom stopping by. 

"I'll go answer it!" Solange volunteered. I heard her open the door and speak to someone. It wasn't my mom's loud mouth because I would have heard her in here, so I got up to see who it was.

"Solange, who is it?" I yelled out from the kitchen. I didn't get an answer. Once I made it close enough to the door to see who it was, I froze in place.

"BEY!" He spoke softly. I shook my head incredulously. I could not believe it! So many emotions were flooding me: shock, anger, fear, hate, and hurt. We locked eyes and stared at each other as Solange watched us intently.

"You shouldn't be here!" I said as calm as I could be.

"Can we talk?" Jay asked.

"NO!" I yelled.

"Bey, please talk to me! I promise" Jay pleaded. I interrupted him.

"Save your promises, and GO HOME!" I spat.

"Come on, Bey! I'm begging you!" Jay whined.

"You heard what she said nigga, LEAVE!" Solange yelled. He looked at me to see if I wanted him to leave. I nodded my head as a sign that I did.

"Okay then..." Jay says, dropping his head while turning around to walk away. Solange slams the door shut. We both walked to the window to watch him get in the car and leave. Then we looked at one another rattled.

"What the fuck!" Solange says wide-eyed.

"I— I don't even know what to say!" I responded.

"How does he know where you live, Bey? You haven't seen or spoken to that man in years!" Solange questioned.

"I don't know Solange! I'm trying to figure that out myself. This is freaking me out." I spoke honestly as tears began to fall down my face.

"Aww no, Bey Bey! Don't cry! Everything will be okay." Solange embraces me in a hug to console me. As I tried to get myself together and process everything that just happened, I heard loud crying upstairs.

"Ughh, he's awake!" I shook my head, emotionally exhausted.

"You stay down here! I'll go check on him," Solange demanded. She ran upstairs.

I took a few tissues and sat in my living room to cry. I thought about everything I'd been through up until this very moment.

Two years ago, I told Solange everything that happened between Shawn and me. Since then, she's been by my side completely. I eventually told my mother, who didn't receive the information well at first, but after Solange spoke with her privately, she became much more understanding and supportive.

My mom and sister flew down to be with me for my first doctor's appointment. I found out that I was eight weeks along in my pregnancy. It was right at the time when the baby's heartbeat could be heard. That very same day, I could listen to it so clearly. It was at that moment that I truly comprehended that I had someone growing inside of my womb. The shame and selfish thinking that clouded me simultaneously flew out of the window. This surprising sense of joy and curiosity gave me a whole new perspective. I couldn't kill this baby.

I decided to stay in Louisiana for the majority of my pregnancy. I didn't want to leave Southern University. I loved it there, but I knew I couldn't stay. The bigger I grew, the more self-conscious I became. I couldn't allow Monty, Tamara, and Cecil to find out or even speculate that I was pregnant. Eve and I reconnected, but I didn't want her to know anything. I also grew severely depressed because Jay wasn't there to experience this pregnancy with me.

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