chapter six !

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Weeks of touring nonstop had begun to get the best of poor Mary, tiring her out mentally and all she longed for was to be home already, calm in the safety of her own home with not a worry in the world of when the horrid, cramped space of the bus would come to a stop for the night. She began falling asleep at earlier hours, in hopes that sleeping in late would grant her the peace of mind and riddance of exhaustion she craved so very intensely. Much to her dismay, it had only allowed her to wake at early hours of the day, causing her to be ill-tempered throughout the remainder of the day.

The only thing that kept her somewhat sane was the fact that she woke up to, spent the day with, and fell asleep with Jimmy Page. Her favorite person had been by her side from the moment he woke to the moment he fell asleep. She wanted nothing more than to be with Jimmy, even if it meant having to suck it up for tour purposes.

Her emotions had been way out of check for days, weeks, and she plainly assumed it was because she'd never been so homesick. She'd snap at almost any random thing that remotely ticked her off and cried at the same things. Mary kept her words to herself, however, not wanting to worry the attentive, assiduous guitarist.

The anxiety from being away from home for so long had often led her to become sick to her stomach, not helping her irritable mood swings. Headaches constantly ruined her days, pressure building up inside her head.

Mary sat up in her bed, a pounding headache pulsing throughout her entire body. Her fingers trembled as she reached to rub her eyes, letting out a dissatisfied moan before she stood, dragging her feet across the floor. Quietly, she opened the bus's bedroom door and shut it carefully behind her to not awaken Jimmy.

"Jimmy's still asleep, then?" Jonesy asked Mary, a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Yeah," Mary nodded, immediately regretting her choice of bobbing her head, "Where can I get some coffee?"

"Over in the kitchen," he pointed into the next room, "Take whatever you want."

"Thanks," Mary responded bluntly, smiling as she walked to where John had pointed.

"Good morning, Mary," Robert said, pulling his horoscope book away from his face.

"I wish," she sighed and pulled out a cup and the coffee pot, pouring herself the bitter black drink and leaving it like that.

"What's the matter?" He asked and laid the book on the table.

"Nothing." Mary replied and began walking back off to her room.

"Hey wait, come here."

"What?" She snapped.

"Talk to me, sit down."

Mary breathed in deeply before exhaling and plopping down in a chair across from him. "What?"

"Are you all right?" He wondered.

"Not really as you can see, I'm going rather insane. Are you all right?" Mary asked, squinting her eyes at him, her elbows pressed hard into the stained wooden material of the table.

"I'm making money by sitting around right now, so yes, I'm excellent. What's got you down, love?"

"Do you... do you ever feel like you're going crazy, being out on the road? Away from home, for months?"

"Sometimes, but I learn to embrace it. Is that what's been bothering you? Being away from home?"

Mary nodded again, wincing at the sharp pain that ate away at her ability to think straight. "Yeah, I think so."

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