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Samuele entered the tunnel that he hasn't forgotten since his childhood and watched as Clementine reaches into the black plastic bag and gives something to every homeless man and woman that she passed. He walked near the wall of the Tunnel and followed her from a closer distance. As he watched her, she stopped at a red headed man sitting down and over heard their conversation,

"Thanks Sweetheart." The man said with a gruff voice.

"Your welcome Ed. Stop smoking and drinking and you won't be so hungry." She said as she waved goodbye. He wondered why she was doing such a thing when she could be at home or doing something else.

His eyes averted down to the people he has been afraid to look at since he was a child and watched an unusual sight. Smiles. Happy faces and satisfaction. Joy was written all over their faces as they ate some type or bread.

"Wanna help?" A voice asked from in front of him which made him jump out of surprise. He looked up and saw Clementine with her hand on her hip, staring at him like a mother who has caught her child stealing a cookie.

"Uh... well..." For the first time he was speechless in front of some one other than his father. It wasn't like he was trying not to be seen... he just didn't want to be found. Especially by her.

"Here. Walk and talk okay?" She says with a roll of her eyes as she hands him a few loaves of breads that emit a sweet scent. With nothing to say, Samuele obeyed and started handing out the bread to people who looked tired and hungry. Their faces shined and brightened at something simple as that. Unknown to Samuele was the smile at the corners of his mouth. A man lying down with his back turned to the wall fidgeted again and again grabbing Samuele's attention. He walked over and crouched down to the mans side.

"Sir, would you like a piece of bread? It may help you feel better, if you aren't feeling well." The man sat up and looked into Samuele's eyes and Samuele froze. Something familiar reflected with in his gaze and it wasn't something good. Samuele couldn't pinpoint the reason but a feeling of guilt washed over his conscious. Suddenly, the man smiled a yellow grin and grabbed the peace of bread with shakes hands.

"Thank you son. God bless you!" The old man began to cry as he touched Samuele's knee with a wrinkled hand. Samuele felt truly happy and reborn from something as simple as this. As the man began to eat, Samuele walked and continued to give away his bread until he left and it was gone.

"Wow, look at that grin. You must have enjoyed being a Good Samaritan for the first time in your life." Clementine says getting up from the bench she was sitting down at.

A grin? Samuele hadn't felt or noticed the change in his expression until he felt the slight burn in his cheeks from smiling so hard.

"You gonna tell me why you were following me now?" She says with crossed arms.

"I was annoyed with you and curious to see where you were going." He said bluntly.

"At least we feel the same way. It's annoying how you think you deserve to be in my business all the time." She said stopping dead in her tracks. He turned and faced her, trying to read her unmoving frown.

"Didn't I say whatever is part of the building is in my possession? I have the right to know where my property goes and-"

"Shut the fuck up." She says as she quickly turns and walks away. Again he was stunned at her harsh words but quickly snapped out of it. He grabbed ahold of her arm before she could get any further.

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