2-Catch Me

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Frisk fell asleep listening to her music. G kept driving and he looked over at Frisk. Frisk's hair settled over her right eye, making her sleeping figure look peaceful. G look back at the ground he was driving. He wasn't really driving on road. More of, dead grass.  He heard sirens from behind him. He looked out the window and Frisk was still sleeping. A cop was shooting at them. He blew out a tire and the car G was driving swerved to the right, Frisk woke up. She saw that the car was about to flip and she grabbed a gun out of her bag. She looked out the window and shot at the cop. She hit the cop but he was wearing a bullet proof vest. The car flipped and Frisk got knocked out. G on the other hand was breaking the windshield. Once he did so, he turns to pull Frisk out. He barely knew her but he didn't want her to get blown up either. The cop had gotten behind G and knocked him out.

*Frisk's POV*

I woke up in a prison cell. I growled loudly they had taken my bag, they left my music though, which was miraculously not harmed. There were bandages around my abdomen and I only wore a sports bra and shorts. I laid down on the cot, a sharp pain ran through my left side. I looked down to see there was blood seeping out of my bandages.

“Hiya, doll.” A familiar voice said from in the corner.

He walked out into the light, a cigarette in his mouth. His original clothes were gone and he was in a orange jumpsuit.

“Wh-what happened?” I groaned, sitting up.

I winced as the pain shot up my side.

“Yeah, those bitches didn't bandage ya up so I had to. I think ya got some glass in ya.” He told me, smoke floated up from his nose.

I groaned and slowly pulled off the bandage.

“Hey! Don't do that!” G exclaimed.

“I don't wanna die, dipshit!” I snarled at him.

I pulled off all of the bandage and crawled off the cot. I didn't want to get blood on it. Blood dripped out of my large wound. I hissed in pain as I pulled at a piece of glass. My hands kept slipping because of the blood. After a bit of struggling I grew light headed.

“Doll, let me help you.” G tried.

I growled at him and quickly pulled out the piece of glass lodged in my side. I cried out in pain and blood dripped out of my side, quicker this time. I put the bandage back on and hissed. My hands were covered in blood. G looked at me with wide eyes.

“I thought you were gonna cry.” He said in a daze.

“Give me a fuckin' cigarette.” I growled at him.

(Do not smoke!!!! I am not trying to promote smoking!!! Don't fuckin' do it!!!!!~Kitt)

I pulled off the bandage and burned the skin, the bleeding slowed then stopped. I was biting my tongue and then I put on the bandage tightly. G glared at me and lit another cigarette.

“Ya could have told me. I would have given ya the fuckin' lighter.” G grumbled while I set the bloody cigarette on the ground.

I got up and approached G. He looked at me with confusion. I wiped my hands off on him. He snarled in discuss and shoved me away. I laughed and sat on the cot. I put on my music and lied back down on the cot. Slowly I fell into a feverish dream.

“Doll, wake up.” G shook me.

I woke up and realized my music died. I cursed to myself and pulled off my headphones. I rolled off the cot and I fell on the ground hard. I coughed and G laughed at me.

“Fuck you.” I groaned, holding my side.

G laughed even harder and I got up. Then I punched G. He fell onto the ground and glared at me. I smiled and ran out of the cell seeing it was open. Guards lined the halls leading me to the mess hall. I stopped abruptly seeing that this was a prison of both girls and boys. G ran into me making me stumble forward.

“Oops." G said innocently.

I glared at him and got in line. G cut in front of me and I smacked him on the back of the head with my plate. He laughed and got a steak. My eyes widened as G smirked triumphantly. When I moved up in line I got fuckin' slop. I pretty sure this is what they feed pigs. I sat down at a table and G sat down at a table full of girls. I sat down at an empty table and poked at the slop. It moved away from my plastic fork. I made a face and shoved the food away from me.

I think every single guy was staring at me. Probably because, I was in my bra and some really short, shorts. I heard girls moon over G and I snickered. Most of the females were monsters. G was bathing in their adoration while I was getting whistled at. I walked over to the trash can and a guy walked up behind me.

“Looky here, we got ourselves a little, whore.” The guy hissed behind me while grabbing my ass.

I grabbed his arm and I flipped him over. The guards watched in amusement. The guy was on his stomach and I twisted his arm behind his back. He cried out in pain and everyone shut up and was staring at me.

“So much as touch me without my permission, I will personally fuck you up.” I yelled to everyone, the guy underneath me cried out again.

I put my foot on his back and swiftly pulled his arm backwards. I heard the satisfying crack and the guy was screaming in agony. G raised his hand, girls around him looked at him in confusion.

“What the fuck do you want G?” I growled loudly.

“I would like to say we might have a prison princess.” He smirked.

All of the girls around him gasped in disgust. I let go of the guy's arm and I walked over to the table, shaking my head. They guys whistling at me ended shutting up.

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