6-Dirt And Blood

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*Frisk's POV*

By the time I woke up it was already night. G was already awake.

“Hiya, Doll.” He said softly.

I shivered at the cold rush of air. G pulled of his jacket and put it over my shoulders. I put it on fully and leaned against G, taking off my headphones, since my music was dead. I let G stroke my hair while I held G. Katie stopped the van. I sat up, confused and G did also.

“I think I found an abandoned mall!” Katie said proudly.

I opened the back of the van and saw she was in an abandoned city. It was abandoned due to the bombs and wars. By now it was just a grown over mess. I jumped out of the van and ran over to the mall. Scarlett tried to door.

“Darn, it's locked.” She said.

I kicked the glass and it shattered, falling onto the ground in shards. And just to a jackass, I unlocked the door and opened it.

“Not anymore.” I said.

G and Frey cracked up in the background while Scarlett shoved me. I laughed and stepped inside.

“Welcome to... Jurassic Park.” I told everybody grandly.

Katie found a old kazoo and began to play the Jurassic Park theme. I grabbed the kazoo and threw it away. G wiped a tear of laughter from his eye socket. We explored the empty shops and I eventually found the power switch. I flipped it on.

“And Kitt said; Let there be lif.” I told G.

“Who's Kitt?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

(Whyyyyyyy????(TwT)~ Kitt)

I kept looking around. I found a clothing store. I smiled to myself as I grabbed several hundred pairs of clothes. G was right behind me and he shook his head. I smiled and walked into the dressing room.

★Several disapproved clothing styles later★

I put on my last outfit I had and stepped out of the clothing stall. I looked into the mirror. I was wearing a striped crop top, brown short shorts, and black leggings underneath the shorts. I had already put G's jacket over my clothing.

“Finally, that looks really good doll, do a little twirl.” He told me.

I shrugged my shoulders and twirled, but when I turned fully I saw that G wasn't in his original spot. I looked around frantically. I felt a necklace fall around my neck. I smiled and looked down. It was a yellow diamond in a golden heart locket.

“Look inside.” He told me.

I rolled my eyes. I opened the locket and saw there was a picture of G.

“Where did you get the picture?” I gasped.

G smirked and grabbed my hand. He led my to a photo booth. Somehow he got it to work. Dollar bills spilled out of the photo booth. I looked at G. He chuckled and I picked up a five dollar bill. I pulled G into the photo booth and put in the five dollar bill. Once it registered the five dollar bill it started to count down. I got G to smile, he held me closely and I leaned my head on his shoulder, still facing the camera.


For the next picture I kissed G on his forehead.


G pulled me into a kiss.


G pinned me against the wall, still kissing me.

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