3-Hell No

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*Frisk's POV*

G was still sitting at his table full of girls. The guy behind me was rushed to the infirmary, and I was looking at my nails, my back against the wall and my feet on the table. I felt a presence in front of me and I saw a small female. Shall I say monster? She had a wolf like snout and big eyes. She looked kinda creepy and cute, not like that.

"That was really cool." She told me.

I smiled at her and put my feet down.

"What's your name, kid?" I asked her.

I could tell she was younger than me.

"Scarlett." She said quietly.

I motioned for her to sit down next to me. I could tell G was looking at me. I looked at him and smirked. He rolled his eyes, the slighted smile upon his face. I began a conversation with Scarlett.

★Tine skip 4 months★

G and I had gotten along with each other, we were really 'mean'. I sat at my usual table with a few girls and a boy. Their names were Scarlett, Alexis, Katie and Frey. Frey was a male cat, he was pretty awesome. Alexis was a human with red eyes and Katie was a cat as well, except a tiger.

G always sat next to his girl group. He gave me occasional steak because I would never eat the slop I was always served. Lately G has been distant from his girl group. He has been more awkward around me.

(He oN hIS MalE pERioD~Kitt)

I shrugged it off as a stupid phase.

(I TOld yOu!~Kitt)

I was talking when Scarlett said something that caught me off guard.

"I think G likes you." She told me.

I made a quirky face and look at her.

"wUt?" I said, my eyes wide.

"Did you know he is the prince of the prison?" She asked.

If I thought my eyes couldn't get any wider, they did. I remembered what G said on my first day here.

"I would like to say we might have a prison princess." He smirked.

Oh my fuckin' flip. What in the actual fuck?!? I must have looked surprised because Scarlett quickly added on.

"It's only a hunch of course."

I looked at her and I heard G's voice behind me.

"What were y'all talkin' about?" His deep gruff voice said from behind me.

I blushed and looked down at my plate.

"Nnnnnnnggggg." I groaned to myself.

"Sorry, Frisk is currently unable to speak." Frey told G.

"What did you guys do this time?" G asked protectively.

I slid under the table and shoved my face into my orange jumpsuit. I silently screamed into it and G looked under the table.

"Can we talk? Privately?" He asked me.

I nodded and made my blush go away by thinking about killing people. My heart rate slowed and I got out from under the table. Scarlett gave me a thumbs up and Alexis smiled. Both Frey and Katie winked at me. I think their dating.

G led me over to a deserted area and he pinned me against the wall.

"W-what the h-hell are you doing?!?" I stuttered.

G smirked. I felt a deep want in the pit of my stomach. I pushed it away and looked G in the eyes. I could see he was holding himself back. I put my hand on his chest.

"I want to know why your acting like that." I growled.

G growled and pulled himself away.

"Sorry... You looked vulnerable... I couldn't hold back... Sorry." He told me.

I was blushing madly and G was also. It took so much effort not to kiss him right then and there.

"I just wanted to ask you out." G said cooly.

I blushed deeper and looked him in his eyes. It was full of lust and want. I shrugged my shoulders just to say, fuck it. I kissed him and he pushed my back against the wall, kissing me back roughly. His hand was on my hip and his other tangled in my hair. I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He pushed me harder into the wall and grabbed my ass. I growled and clenched onto the back of his jumpsuit. G and I pulled away at the same time.

I breathed heavily and got off of him. G quickly pulled his hand out of my hair. I smiled at him.

"Sure." I told him calmly, although my appearance said the quiet opposite of calm.

I walked back to my table, my hair a mess and my face a tomato. My jumpsuit was ruffled and I was smiling like a maniac.

"Ha, you owe me five bucks!" Alexis told Scarlett.

Scarlett growled and somehow pulled out five dollars.

"So how was it?" Frey asked, Katie eagerly at his side.

"Pretty good." G said from behind me.

He put his arms around my waist. I smiled and my face eased into it's normal color. He turned me around and kissed me. I kissed him back and tasted cigarettes and meat. I turned back and everyone at my table made room for G. G sat down next to me, his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey G. Maybe you should make sure everyone gets the memo." Katie suggested.

I looked at G in confusion. G got up and dragged me to the middle of the mess hall.

"Mine." G said loudly.

He then kissed me passionately. I heard girls whine and cry. And I heard guys groan. G pulled away and I walked over to my table. I shoved my face in G's shoulder when he sat down.

"Whyyyyyyy." I groaned.

G laughed and patted my head.

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