7-Unforgiven Pasts

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*Frisk POV*

Light poured in from the skylights and through my closed eyelids. My eyes fluttered open. G had blood all over him, his eye glowing yellow. I winced at the pain in my hand. I sat up quickly.

“Wh-where is she?” I stuttered quickly.

“Gone.” G said solemnly.

“I-is something wrong... G are you not telling me something?” I asked him.

“She died... After she killed Scarlett. Alexis... She tried... She tried to hold her off... She was too late... That girl she said... That you had done something to treason the kingdom of monsters... To start the war... You killed him didn't you? You killed the late king's son. You started the fuckin' war... Didn't you?” His tone was cold and accusing.

I looked at him. His expression... It was unreadable and cold. I bit my lip and looked down.

“I killed my brother... He saw- he saw me kill the bad people. I had to- I had to kill him. I'm so sorry. I didn't want him to die. She told me to. She told me that he would tell mother and father. They would have exiled me from my rightful crown. I'm the bad person.” I sobbed into my hands.

G stood up. I stood also.

“Give me my jacket.” He commanded.

I looked up at him. He was angry. Angry that I started the war.

“G I'm-” He cut me short with a smack across my cheek, I choked on my sob.

The blow send me sprawling across the marble ground. His face was yellow with fury. His eye glowing. My cheek throbbed in pain.


His chest heaved up and down.


I stood back up clutching my cheek. Tears flowed from my eyes. I let go of my cheek and looked G in the eye. There I pulled off the jacket and set it down at his feet. I snapped the chain on the necklace. Without another word I walked away. My chest filled with hurt and pain. But before I walked out of the doors I turned back. G looked at me with a cold malice. I winced.

“G, I am already dead.” I told him and walked out the door.

When I was a good distance away I heard my name being screamed. I turned back and saw Alexis. He golden hair flowed in the window. I sighed and pulled out the knife I had managed to snatch when G wasn't looking at me.

“FRISK!” She screamed.

I waved goodbye and put back the knife. I turned and ran for as far as I could. I felt my hurt take over my emotions. I felt that I was the cause of all of this. I fell to my knees and cried. My tears dropped onto the dry dirt. Blood dripped from my hand mixing with the tears that lay in the dirt.

“Forgive me Scarlett." I said.

My insanity took over. When it fully took over I saw Scarlett. She was floating, she looked like a ghost. I smiled and greeted her.

“Frisk, I knew he was gonna use you. Don't trust anybody. Except for me. I'm the only friend you've got now.” She told me, her voice full of malice and hate.

It was so unlike Scarlett, to have a voice so hateful. I didn't care now because I knew it was her. She helped me to my feet. We began to walk and talk. I felt every bit of my sanity flake away with every word I exchanged with Scarlett, my only friend.

*G's POV*

Alexis tried to go after Frisk. I laughed to myself and gathered my coat. Frisk's necklace fell of of my jacket. I kicked it away from me and began to put on the jacket. Alexis stormed back inside and smacked me.

“Damn you, boy!” She snarled at me.

“Not only did you hurt her. YOU BLAMED THE WRONG PERSON!” She screamed at me.

I looked at her with a dull disbelief.

“I blamed the right person.” I told her and began to walk away.

She grabbed the shoulder and turned me around.

“You didn't listen to what she said. She said that somebody told her to kill the prince! It was that bitch! The one you tied up! The one who killed Scarlett! The rightful person who started to war!” She screamed at me.

“I know Frisk did it!” I yelled at her.

Katie bounded up to me, panting.

“S-she's right. G you have to listen to her!” Katie said.

I snapped my fingers and I was in the room with that bitch.

“G! Thank gods your here, the girl, she admitted to forcing Frisk to kill the prince!” Frey said breathlessly.

I looked at the female in the chair. She looked at me with a crooked smile.

“I did tell my little puppet to kill our weak brother. I knew she would fold to the pressure of his death and would flee. So I took the crown but my brother had to come back to life and ruin my plan.” The girl laughed maniacally.

“You framed Frisk?” I snarled at her.

She nodded and her manic smile grew wider.

“You can't save her now. You helped with my final part of my plan. She's diving deep into insanity. And thanks to you, she's gonna die, at her own hands. Her grief will help her state of mind into suicide. Then I will kill Asriel myself.” The girl laughed maniacally.

“Oh no... What have I done?” I asked myself.

Alexis and Katie ran into the room.

“We need to find Frisk.” I ordered them.

We all ran out the room, leaving the psycho bitch. On the way out of the mall I snatched up Frisk's locket.

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